Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Nobody said it was going to be easy

Hello Everyone its been a Busy Holiday Break kids Home for two week... Husband home For Christmas Five days and New years Break three days, so that means Lots and Lots of cooking meals for me..I did my best to continue drinking my shakeology Most days I did great but there were a few in between, that I just had to taste what I was cooking overall I did better than the years before, so I'm extremely grateful for that and I believe the thing that gave me the most strength was having a workout room in my basement every time I felt overwhelmed, or bad that I had ate something That I probably should not have...Having my Gym gave me, so much Hope for a Greater me...I would make a Big breakfast for my family have water, coffee and a Protein bar few times my daughter made us all pancakes....

Than Force myself to get on my workout clothes, and continue on this weight loss journey even if the whole family was not on the same page as Me you have to want it more than you want anything else to continue to stay faithful to yourself, and Love yourself you must do it again and again...so to spice it up I added my ROCKIN BODY Shawn T dance workouts to keep me excited and uplifted during my workouts...Whatever you need to do to mix it up do it, and my daughters WII Zumba...so overall I did pretty good considering how many meals I cooked for the family...

Be proud of yourself and pat yourself on the back even if no one else does continue to be your own cheerleader, and let know one shatter the Dreams your creating for yourself..You Want it Yes it takes Hard work and lots of sweating,and dedication, but you can do it .... Believe it... receive it ...create it ..and Achieve great amazing results daily...

I'm here for you as a reminder that if we want something bad enough like great amazing better health Daily we must continue to fight the Fight it takes by making it your healthy daily lifestyle even if your the only one you know doing it in your family you can and will SUCCEED...

Keep going and never ever give up on you know matter how long it takes...
Peace and Love Always sent your way, Ursula

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