Monday, February 8, 2010

Super Bowl

Good Morning,
I hope everyone had a great time yesterday with your Super Bowl Party, and enjoyed all the food.
My family had a great time there was so much food. we will have leftovers for awhile...
I made to much. Last year there was no leftovers, in fact we ran out so this year I made more so that we would not run out. Teenage kids love to eat. I made double stuffed twice baked potatoes with cheese, and bacon,little Smokey's in the crock pot, with baby rays BBQ sauce,little BBQ slider hamburgers, Hot cheese for nachos, Big veggie tray with ranch,Doritos,and Deviled eggs....What a feast I am still full.

Whether your a sports fan or not its a great excuse to have a get together, and make all your kids favorite foods. My daughter and her friend loved helping me make the potatoes, and deviled eggs...So it was a great fun day, and the Saints ended up winning.

My kids will always associate are Super Bowl parties with the foods they love, and great Friends that they choose to invite. It is great to create fun times like that in your home, and then they always want to stay home, and party here with there friends, and then we don't have to worry about where they are, and what they are doing. I know there friends, and I know that they are safe.

Make your house fun for your teenagers so that they are not running the streets getting into trouble, we like having the house that the teens like coming to. As long as you have video games, and food, and pop they will all come over, and then you don't have to worry about them getting into trouble some where else. We try are best to make are house a happy safe place for people to be.

Create your family traditions so that your kids have things to look forward to, and create happy memories that will last a life time. You get to create happy times for your family, and ask them to tell you what foods they want, you ll be surprised at what they say they like. Have party's when ever you can... its a great way to bring people together for great communication, Great Food,Laughter... have potlucks so you can share different foods, and so that you can share the cost.

Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

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