Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Loving yourself first.

Good Morning,
As we approach Valentines day, whether you are single or married, it gives you a wonderful feeling of Love, and if you are single, it makes you feel like you want to attract the perfect mate for you. Do you ever wonder why you attract the people you do in your life, and doesn't it seem like you keep on attracting the same type of person, they just look different. When I was single, in my teens, and early twenties, I use to attract the same type of man over, and over again. I was half of a person looking for a man to make me whole. So I always attracted very dysfunctional alcoholic men, because I was raised with alcoholic parents, and Grandparent's so that is all I knew.

Finally I got tired of the same kind of bad boy dysfunctional man, and decided in my early twenties, that if I was going to attract the perfect match for me, that I would have to do some work on myself, and become a whole person myself, and start to love myself just as I am. in order to attract a whole person, as well. So I became single, went through a personal effeteness training seminar, that was designed to take time out of your life, and work on yourself, and all of your issues. To find out why you do the things you do. Everybody has issues they need to work on before they get in a healthy relationship. Once I discovered that I did not love myself, and that was why I was attracting such dysfunctional people in my life, men that could never love me the way I deserve to be loved. You have to work on becoming whole yourself, and then and only then will you attract your perfect soul mate.

People will only treat you the way you allow them to treat you, so whether your single or marriage its never to late to attract your perfect soul mate, because it all starts with you, and the way you feel about yourself, and your level of confidence with in yourself. Treat people the way that you deserve to be treated, and look deep into there heart before choosing a mate for your life, because after all we are all searching for that perfect love, that we can call are own. If you are in a marriage that is not full of love, you do have the power to change that... it is never to late.

I am so very grateful for my husband... that shows me true love daily, and does everything for me and my kids. I get to celebrate a love that keeps on going sixteen years, and counting. Celebrate loving yourself first, and then watch, and wait to see what a difference that makes in your life, and if you are single... you wont be for long, it all starts with you. Happy Valentines Day.

Peace, and Love always, Ursula

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