Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Good Morning,
First of all, Thank you all... for your prayers, and reading my Blog. It helps me so much to be able to get my feelings out by writing whats in my heart, and hopefully by what I share, It will also help you. We are all here to grow, and learn together. One big family, and I thank you to all my followers here.

My daughter, and I went to see grandma last night, and I was told we need to go every night now since she is on Hospice, so I assumed she would be alone in her room, and we would have to sit with her In her room all night to keep her company, but that was not the case... thank God. She is living in a Alzheimer's retirement house so they eat dinner at 5:00pm, so she was in the dinning room being feed her dinner, so I get to feed her every night. She no longer, can walk or feed herself, she talks a little bit, and the words she remembers when she sees me is... I love you. So that is even better than remembering my name. She has her eyes closed most of the time. She gets really mad when the caretakers try to move her, she tells them to stop, and tryed to hit them, so I was able to call her grandma, and calm her down. After dinner there was a resident that is my Grandma roommate, and she laughs the whole time, she had us all laughing, so for my daughter, and I we are just going to enjoy the rest of the time we have together with Grandma.

She has care round the clock with callaway where she lives , and now with Hospice...So I am so very grateful for that. Yesterday the caregiver was asking me what kind of grandma she was, and I smiled while telling her how wonderful she was.My Grandma was a model, and always had a new Cadillac she drove, with a poodle, her last husband her third marriage she married a Italian railroad engineer Bill Caruso he was a whiskey drinker, and big time partier. Whenever I would go visit them he would get drunk pretend he was in the mafia, and tell me the same old stories over and over again, and then at the end every time I listened to him he would open up his wallet, and throw me $50.00...So I always loved going and visiting him, and then he would jump on his riding lawn mower, and visit the neighbors, and he shared money and food with them as well. My grandma drank as well, and they were very dysfunctional, but they always spoiled me with new clothes, eating out, and whatever I wanted when I visited.

My grandma was very kind, and loving, and my kids always called her GG...sweet. Unfortunately they didn't get alot of time with her like I did so they don't have all the great memories of all the crazy things they did. My grandpa died of cancer,and now grandma with Alzheimer's. If you have healthy parents, and grandparents cherish them for as long as you can, and make time to see them as much as possible. Older parents,and grandparents are so wise they can teach us alot.

Today I encourage you to call your parents grandparents, and tell them how much you love them, and cherish them till the end.... even if they are dysfunctional like my family.
Peace, and Love Always, Ursula

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