Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Life Lessons

Good Morning.
Today is a great day. WE can choose daily the best possible life for us.I love waking up everyday doing what I love,and spending time with my family... having open, and honest communications. Life has so many blessings, that we may not even notice if we are not in tune with are feelings, thoughts,and actions. Actions speak louder than words, sometimes. being present emotionally, and, spiritually, daily are so important. Learning to be, and allowing ourselves to be completely present at all times.

Sometimes life requires us to be still when we want to share things, but its important to listen to your heart first, before you share. We have to be careful to use positive words to influence the people in our life. It takes several positive words, to make up for one negative word. Choosing positive words over negative, and focusing on your own life, and not others is also so important. We can not change anyone else, we can only change ourselves, and what works for someone may not work for us. Choose the people in your life that enhance your life, and not take away. Be selective with the friends, and people you allow in your life. Like I always say" If you don't feel happier, and better after sharing time with friends that, you allow in your life than maybe your vibrations are not a match" You should not have to force a relationship, it should be natural, and if it is not a match don't be afraid to end it. Listen to your heart and you will always know.

Sometimes I can be to honest when I see there is a problem in someone Else's life, but its not my job to fix them, its there job to fix there own life. Be careful when it comes to other peoples life's and there feelings, only share what you have to, sometimes less is more in relationships. You have to realize in any relationship, they will disappoint you at least once, because none of us are perfect we will all fail each other from time to time, try living your life without false expectations of another person, even if our vibrations match there will be tension from time to time... That is just life. All you can do is try to be the best most honest, positive, happy person you can be, and when you fail from time to time, as we all will...Do not beat yourself up..Get over it, and move on.
people waste so much time dwelling on mistakes they make instead of taking them as life lessons, and moving on from them... So today, get over it, and make today the best day ever its not about them... its about you, and how you handle your Life. Trials will always come... we just get to not give them are attention, and focus. Because after all... what you get is what you focus on. Please don't waste your days focusing on what you cant change.
Peace, and love Always, Ursula

Peace, and Love

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