Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Interest or Comittment

I'm not just Interested, I am Committed! 

There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when its convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results. There are only two options regarding commitment. You’re either in or out. There’s no such thing as a life in-between..
This I know for sure because when Your committed you don't stop you keep getting up daily and pushing through the pain through the soreness of each and every workout program and you do it day in and day out because your committed...

What a great feeling when you continue on your fit 4 life journey because your committed, and because you know you want it more than just a interest that will succeed when you pencil in you daily fitness goals,and stay committed even if you have to do it alone you take the credit for your own results, and you become accountable to you first then you find others to keep you accountable as well and you develop a fit 4 life mentality that keeps you keeping on through the pain, and when you complete a program or class each time you do it you get stronger and your able to push harder each time, and you feel such a huge accomplishment that you begin to get more confident..more Alive..Vitality gets stronger, and you begin to realize why you stay committed to keep on keeping on, because your worth it and than its only natural to want to share your results, and how great you feel with everyone this is why I love doing what I do through Beachbody because it gives me that opportunity to keep sharing and to keep growing..

I encourage you to ask yourself today if your Interested in changing you ? or are you committed to changing you for life ?
Peace and Love always send me a message I'm always here to assist in your success as well as mine 

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