Monday, April 11, 2011

YOu have the power to make the best life

Good Morning,
New day new beginning thats what I say each, and everyday we get to create what we want brand new each day..How we do that is always starting are day with a Grateful heart being thankful for all the good, and focusing on creating more Daily..We get to write the story of our Life creating what we want more of daily... This I Know for sure I have done many things in my life, and have lived healthy and unhealthy and have lived Negative and Positive its a daily choice on what your going to do and be like nobody can tell you what to do you have to make a decision daily on how your going to choose to live your life..We can share with one another, and guide and teach and lead, but its up to you what you will do with advice and instructions.. For me its a no brain er now that I have been following this path of positive healthy living It is just normal now to wake up everyday focusing on what I'm grateful for and in stealing that into my family's life as well, and you all that read my blogs you can see its up to you it always has been its about retraining your daily thoughts and feels to positive loving ones and creating more daily by doing that, and it does become a ripple affect in every area of your life..You become the leader of your life and destiny.. You get to write the story of your life daily, and attract more of what you want daily, and bring many people with you..That's whats happening to me since I became a Beachbody coach I decided to step way out of my comfort Zone and finally create a life of my dreams, and bring all of you with me to keep me accountable and that's why its finally working because I have all of you ..which I'm so very grateful for. I never would of ever imagine I would have to courage to do all that I'm doing, but it just goes to show you that God will give you the strength to do all if you surrender all, and that's what I have done, and I'm allowing myself to be lead daily to a new me and a new Body, because of it..Please keep following me on my journey and join me for a better You as well we can do this together...The only way out is Through so lets Go.

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