Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Good Morning,
Our weather has been cold I'm so ready for some heat. Lilac bushes, and tulips are bloomed and now I'm ready to get ready for summer since are spring weather was not the greatest, we had a few days that were good but over all its been cold..Come on heat..

Everyday I strive for more and better focusing on the things I love and creating more in my life daily..I feel like as long as I'm happy and sharing the love vibrations with the world than what could be better then that..the world needs brighter people to light it more sorrow and pain just peace and Light that's what the world needs..

Today and everyday I focus on gratitude, and peace and if anyone gets in the way of that I pray for them, and move is what you make it one day at a time its a daily choice..You get to choose, thank God for that..

Choose to live your life with zest, and passion... following your peace, and don't care what anyone thinks about how your living your life as long as your a good person, and doing what you feel lead to do then that's all you have to worry about stop waisting your life worry about everyone else and getting everyone Else's opinion and start following your own and watch miracles happen in your life..

I am my own leader of my life, and the best role model I can be and I walk the talk and talk the walk and as long as your doing that, and taking great care of your inside as well as your outside and being a light in this dark world then that's all you really have to worry about, anyone Else's actions and thoughts and feelings are there not let any ones negativity reflect how you live your life or feel about Yourself..You were created for greatness and a plan for your life follow the direction of your inner voice as a guide a tour guide for your perfect life and your passion and talents will be manifested today forever and always...
Be blessed Angels
Peace and Love Always Ursula

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