Thursday, January 28, 2010


Good Morning,
Today I woke up feeling like love is in the air, as we approach closer to Valentines Day....I love Valentines Day, it is one of my favorite days, and I feel that we can learn alot about that day, a day to tell everyone how much we love them,with a gift, and kind words. I feel like if we did this everyday... How great would life be there would never be any harsh feeling, or words that you would have to regret saying. We do have the power to love unconditionally all year long.

In order to love someone else unconditionally, you must first love yourself. It starts with you first. If you do not love yourself you are not able to love anyone else. You cannot give something you don't have first. It starts with in yourself, once you get whole within yourself, and except yourself just as you are, with flaws and all, knowing that god made you great just as you are, and that there is no one else exactly like you, it is the greatest High in the world....How wonderful that you are perfectly fine just as you are. When you discover that.... miracles start to happen in your life, because you love yourself you allow yourself to love others just the way they are...and as I always say, it becomes a ripple affect with everyone around you. So you see we can all love and be Loved everyday, not just on Valentines Day. We can love that way, and give gifts all year long.

How great it is to love yourself just as you are, and having a twinkle in your eyes because of it. No matter what has happened in your life, even if your parents never told you they Love you. You have the power within yourself to change that. We can love are self's and be Loved Unconditionally....Open your heart today for change, and live the most wonderful life that you can possibly live, because after all that is what we all are looking for the kind of love that surpasses all other understanding. Its not a bigger house, nicer car, and more stuff to clutter are life....It is within yourself. So today, and forever live as if everyday is Valentines Day.

Peace and Love always, I love you all and thanks for reading what comes from my heart, Ursula

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