Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Good Morning Friends,
Today its finally starting to feel normal having my kids back to School, and working a normal schedule. for the first couple of days it was hard to get use to the house so quiet. Now I'm loving it. To be able to think without any interruptions. I adore morning quiet time it is a time for me to write in my journal, exercise, and plan the best day possible. I feel very lucky to have this time with myself to stay grounded, and focused on whats truly important in my life.

When we allow things to happen without forcing things to happen...magic happens. I am allowing my Business to grow this year, and I'm working on keeping great connections with the people close in my life. Learning everyday how to have the greatest life possible, and allowing positive flow in my life, and the people around me.

I make a commitment everyday to walk in faith, we all have been anointed inside of us to do, and be great. We all have talents, and gifts that have been given to us from birth...We just have to find out what they are and allow ourselves permission to go for it, and use them to there full potential.

It takes work everyday to live your life with Faith and Love...The outcome is worth it. I can honestly tell you if you allow yourself some quiet time, and listen to the still quiet voice inside of you. You will be guided to wonderful gifts inside of yourself that you didn't even no you have, or can do. Walking in faith requires stepping out of your comfort zone, and doing things you may not understand now, We do not know the future, we just get to trust daily, that we are listening to the voice of wisdom, and allowing things to manifest through us, we are the vessel...which if we allow can be used for Victory in your life's, and other life's. So allow today to listen to the voice inside of you to guide, and lead you into this magical life that we can all have.

Peace and Blessing to you all, Love Ursula

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