Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Good Morning,
The spring broke on my garage door this last weekend, I took it in yesterday for the garage door man to rebuild a new one. I am realizing how spoiled I truly am, I love being able to push a bottom, and park in a garage, and then close it , walk in the house that is the greatest thing ever, so of course this week until the garage is fixed I have to park outside like most people do. Of course it is freezing cold here -o degrees today, so I get to scrape the windshield. I have never understood why people have a garage, and not park in it.... It is great to have a garage to protect your vehicle, and it keeps it so much cleaner. Garages are for parking your nice vehicles in, sheds are for stuff in your backyard. If you have a garage, and your not using it, because of your stuff its time to clean, and get rid of the stuff, anything that gets in the way get rid of it, or get a backyard storage shed. I had my husband build me on in the backyard.

Isn't it amazing how we get so comfortable in are lives and then when something happens out of our comfort zone we freak out. I know for me I have a set schedule that I do daily, and it works for me , so when things happen that are not in my routine, I have to be able to shift and make it work differently, because when you have a family things are always going to change, and happen. The most important thing is to be flexible, like this garage situation, teachers calling from school, kids forgetting items, and on and on. Most of the time things run pretty smooth, but when they don't try not to freak out the best thing you can do for yourself is to remain at peace, and remember this to shall pass.

Life is full of lots of lessons, so we need to allow our self and our children to learn, and grow from daily lessons. The hardest part for me is to be still when my kids do stupid things, but I have to remember I was a teenager that thought I new it all, and I had to learn everything the hard way. So It takes alot of patients to allow your children to grow and learn. We can in steal values and morals, but they are in control of there own actions. We can be here to listen and guide them in the right direction. When you keep your communication open with your children you will be amazed at what they will tell you. make it safe for them to come to you and talk about anything openly. My kids and I were sitting at the dinner table last night, it was amazing all the stuff they were sharing with me, and we were laughing, and joking good times good memories.

Make today an amazing day and remember do great things for yourself, and your family today, work on great communication with your family, and make it safe for your kids to tell you anything, without judging them...keep an open mind. Peace and Love, Ursula

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