Monday, December 28, 2009


Good Morning,
My kids were home all last week, and this week as well. Last week was all about getting ready for Christmas, and spending quality time with my kids,and now this week its about them playing there new games, and seeing there friends that they miss.

My Jeep broke down the last day of school so its been parked in the garage for a week,tonight it goes to the shop to get fixed, so that it will be ready before School starts. Always something going on that's for sure.

I am so very grateful that I work from home... so that I don't miss out on the kids when there home. I can just rotate my schedule, and spend as much time with them as possible they are growing so fast, and before I know it... they will be off to College.

I wish you, and your family a blessed week, and remember slow down , exercise, and take great care of yourself, and now that Christmas is over its time to start eating healthy again, Love Always, Ursula

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