Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I decided to write today about Focus,
Focusing on whatever you say you want in life is huge, and how you apply your focus daily is how you become who you want to be the first step is to decide what it is you say you want in your life, is it to be healthy? happy?rich? married? successful in what area of your life? whats your passion? your dream for your life?
These are some questions you can ask yourself, and than its your job to write it down everyday I invite you to choose one thing as to not overwhelm yourself, and focus on the one thing all day... Google it learn everything you can about that one thing that's going to improve your life...than as you research it and Focus on it what action steps is it going to take to stay focused on that daily, and as you master each new thing your focused on, keep that daily in your life, and begin to add new great focuses that can better your life, and those around you, its like daily replacing one bad habit with one great focus, and the more you do this the more you will see that your focus is what you create in your life...
Focus is what keeps you excited and wanting more greatness in your life if we wake up with no focus we guess what do nothing and wonder why we keep failing on the things we say we want..Make your focus daily your survival tactic on creating and doing more of what you love and making what is important to you come alive..you have to look inside you to do this no one can ever do this for you its up to you..

For me my morning focus is Inspiration,I inspire because when I inspire others I'm always more focused and better productive, because I do, also I focus on making my kids smile while I drive them to school we tell jokes laugh and act silly and always say I love you kids as I drop them off..making my marriage stronger daily is also my focus..
I also stay focused on my me time early in the morning after taking my kids to school I go to my room and put on my cute workout clothes that I have collected in the last 2 years because of my first focus to join beachbody 2 years ago I'm still focused today, and I stay that way because of how I feel and how great it is for maintenance on my daily health...Than of course my focus after I sweat my fat away is my favorite steam shower or Hot Epsom salt bath for sore muscles...So that s an example of what you must do in your own life to create a life of health and well being and of course a job you love is a great focus as well...You , right where you are have the ability to set a great daily FOCUS for yourself and make it a habit that is good for you and before you know it your on your way to a successful life you will love, so my tip for today is stay focused daily and add more each day...share any comments or ideas that have been working for you thus far..
Love Ursula

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