Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer Time

Happy Summer time I have not wrote a blog in a long time because Im finding that Im loving Making videos for you tube even more showing you my life and what Im doing to stay healthy, happy, fit and taking you on Ursula s World is a blast so if you have not already SUBSCRIBED do so now because I not only do beach body workouts I take you driving with me, and to my gym and Im getting ready to start Pool Workouts  for you in July and August so Im having a Blast at 43 getting back in shape and having a blast with my teenagers and there friends we only get this one life so stop wasting energy being mean and cranky and start using your energy for things that make you come Alive and Share your energy with great productive things you can do daily.

I have learned the tricks in my life to stay healthy and vital with so much energy that it still amazes me, so why would I not want to share it with the world?  If I can help myself daily and I have tips to assist people in getting back on track as well than thank you Jesus Its not as bad as you may think putting yourself out there for the world to see if you believe in the cause and I believe because of the teens and adult obesity crisis it Time Im only one person but as long as God gave me a voice and a strong body Im going to do my part and for me that's How Im being led daily ...I have this burning desire to do everything I can to make a difference in my life and others so my prayer is that you will SUBSCRIBE to my channel and make some great changes in your life as well for this Fit for life challenge that you can do daily as well .

Lets get together and learn together and make this world a happy healthier place shall we... I believe I do everything I can daily to make a difference and Im asking you to do the same stop being concerned about what people may say about you if you make a video, and be more concerned about being silent. I promise you Inspiring others will keep you inspired daily so lets go Summer time Activities for this fit healthy lifestyle in full affect remember Join me on my channel and My Inspiration will rub off on you, and before you know it you will be flying High to your Amazing healthy happy lifestyle as well...Take pictures....make videos and WORKOUT HARD and clean eating ideas are always needed... God bless this healthy beautiful productive life we so graceful get to live doing what we love and sharing it with the world thank God for YouTube Videos that have overtaken  the world..

Peace and Love always ,
Ursula s World 

Saturday, June 2, 2012


If I can share my wisdom of what Ive learned over the years of tough lessons, I will so today I was laying in my bed listening to the sound of the rain early in the morning that's always when I feel the most inspired with my thoughts so I have leaned not to hold back my thoughts, and feelings  I either write them down on this blog like I am now or make a video..

This I have to say has changed my life in a profound way, and is blessing so many people, and setting people free to fly into there great life as I was thinking about relationships all kinds friends, family, partners and just all kinds of relationships, and how they can either bless are life's or make are life's miserable..

I wanted to share with all of you what I  have learned over the years, and this is why I'm so happy and blessed daily...there are many relationships you will encounter in your life good and bad and sometime the ones that are closes to you like your family can be the most toxic like mine were alcoholic as you become healthy and work on your life, and You in order to complete the whole package deal of happiness there will be people that can no longer be apart of your life even if they are family members, because you see if you want to be set free and have the greatest healthiest life ever you must say goodbye to toxic relationships pray for them and set yourself free, since I have done this as hard as its been I'm now able to be my true authentic me without anyone holding me back...

I now know that I will only allow compatible people into my life , and I'm learning that age is not a factor its compatibility and loyalty and people that make you feel better after spending time with them than you did before ..Relationships do not have to be forced relationships they need to be natural and flow, and that's the kind of relationships to strive for in your marriage, dating and friends and family you have to set your boundaries, and no one can tear you down unless you allow them to... set your standards high and than when you find the connections in your life, even if you don't understand it... go with your heart and how you feel First...I believe that one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves is to Love ourselves First and than allow the people that are compatible in ...Trust me you will know when you have find loyal loving relationships that are not judgemental ones , ones that support and love you no matter what, and even if you don't talk to them for weeks, when you do your back to that loving space of ..Oh that's why I have you in my life..Friends First, communication strong, and in partner relationships one that you must have in your life forever when your heart and soul is connected stronger than you have ever felt and than you also have the Sexual chemistry that is TRUE MAGIC ...if you find that in Another and you both feel it hold on tight and never let that go, because that kind of chemistry is hard to find...Reach for Higher and More today in your relationships, and never ever be afraid to set bad relationships free for fear of being alone...Alone is BEST until you find the BEST in your life ...Know you know what you like and what you don't and never ever settle again find the BEST compatible Relationships for you<3
Peace and Love Always, Ursula 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Set yourself Free

Happy hot weather is finally here I'm so excited I have been working really hard on myself both inside, and out to keep transforming me it takes a lot of time and dedication if you want to keep making yourself better I believe now its the only way to live, and in the process your confidence goes through the Roof which was well needed in my case... shy boring housewife to ...WHO Let this girl out and who new she had a sexy side..hahaha

How many life's are waisted ?I believe by doing the normal boring things we do It can seem that way.Now  since I feel great I decided to spice things up a bit... Dancing again after all these years feels amazing I believe you must continue to follow your passion what ever that is, and make your life no matter what it is Alive and Fun again,  that's just what I'm doing I'm having a Blast making YouTube videos I'm allowing myself to be free and open without feeling bad or judged, and I'm a better person, because I now express myself more than I ever have before, and It feels great..

Freedom is when you let down your walls of pain, and allow your true authentic self shine through letting go of past hurts and pain and express yourself and change yourself daily through every experience is a lesson, and makes you who you are today..what if you could tap into the fun side of you, and just let your hair down and dance like nobody is watching how free, and alive do you think you would feel? just like the Saturday Night Live people do What a Blast....and who says moms cant be sexy again?

I'm free Alive and only getting better and as Long as I can workout, dance and share I will do my Best to set a lot of people free from sadness, depression, and make it my passion to make as many people smile as I can even if I get requests to dance in my kitchen hahaha
so today is  new day new changes for you are up to you... set yourself free love yourself and be the best that you can be daily and I promise the free er you will feel, and be because of it.So get up and get started Now
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

Friday, May 11, 2012


Looking over my life and thinking about everything I have done and been through in this last year pushing myself harder than I ever thought I could ...surviving Breast Cancer last year at this time is when I found it having amazing doctors that did great work, and getting to start again I have a new appreciation for life and love and I'm now like the kid that sees everything for the first time, even though Ive seen it before Celebrating the Beauty around like I never have before and making sure that each day is celebrated with so much love that it overtakes me, and the world and never letting anyone hold me back from creating the life that I love daily..

I'm so extremely blessed to be Alive Cancer free and getting healthier everyday because of all my new lifestyle choices...I'm just a mom now with a voice to change my thoughts and anyone who cares to learn how to as well... to much time in this world is waisted with negative people, and negative thoughts so as long as I'm Alive and have a voice I will do my best to not stay silent and educate this world with healthy positive light, and love....  I choose to make everyday count as it could be my last ...I also believe in talking about things that people don't like to talk about a voice anything that I feel can set people free I will say, and ... I will do..To much time in my opinion is waisted on religious beliefs, that keep people stuck, and controlled I love the lord and I believe in order to set yourself free its a personal relationship you must have with him not all the rules and controlling that religious thoughts and feelings carry...We get one life one opportunity to set ourselves free to fly into a life of lots of love and purpose and passion so why would we want to waste any of it being controlling or judgemental with the ones we say we love, its not are job to play God into peoples life's, its are job to love more and be lovable open your heart today, and set yourself free from bondage and be willing to see Gratitude and love in all that you do and all that you say..accept yourself and accept others and let the light of your heart and soul set the tone of everyone of your led the way that you feel your being led daily, and always follow your still small voice inside yourself as your tour guide to your amazing life, and let go of judgement and criticism its not your job... just saying that confirms how free I finally am. I have allowed my family to soar and fly into there perfect life, and its not my job to judge there choices, and I have to say I'm pretty proud of this choice I have made, because if you knew how I was raised, and how much judgement and condemnation I was under daily, and how many worries there was..YOU too would say this is a take a deep breath out with the old bad behaviors, forgive yourself, and others and move forward to a life you love, and live as if it could be your last day...I love you and you love you.. remember that
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

Friday, May 4, 2012

Water your Grass daily right where you are

I believe there is miracles to be seen and felt daily ...Do you notice them? do you feel them? Do you take the time to admire the Beauty that's right in front of you? or do you rush through life only thinking about what you have to do and what you have to get done racing through the world never slowing down in order to smell the beautiful roses of life...How we live are life is a  great reflection of how are life will be and how we will react and it affects every part of it...

you get exactly what you create daily ...seems simple right but is you notice what people are wearing whether they are sad or happy? do you care what people are doing? do you take the time to cherish the ones you say you love? do you value your life and your spirit? how many times do you take a deep breath and think about how lucky you are to be ALIVE? you know this all seems simple right so how come its so hard to slow down once in a while and reevaluate your life, and be present for the ones you say you love..

I'm reflecting on my life today, because I have many gifts and blessing that I choose to focus on daily the gifts from god that I'm extremely grateful for my husband, sons,  daughter, friends, family and the beauty that is around me daily I'm extremely blessed and lucky to be Alive, and I get to be a full time mom that means ..Present, Alive and interacting with my teens daily I love it... I adore it, and its by choice that I feel this way its not easy my life is very hard, and challenging wearing as many Hats as I do, but I have chosen to wake up daily with gratitude and grace in my heart daily, and then it reflects into my families life's as well its amazing how changing your thought process and focusing on the Great instead of the bad just lifts your spirits higher than they where before...I now adore life and have made it my mission to share it all with you, tips, secrets anything I can to spark all of you into a higher level of thinking as well...
So today please look around at you life take a deep breath, slow down and nourish each and every relationship you have right there with you.... get rid of bad seeds, and nourish and water the Great seeds in your life daily and just see if you can make the grass greener right where you are right now...Remember its a daily choice that you get to make and you get to create ....So what are you waiting for get to watering..

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

Friday, April 27, 2012

Take the lead no one else will do it for you

I'm learning so much every single day so much about myself and have started to explore my gifts and talents even more by allowing my inner voice to take the lead. I have developed a great routine for myself that really works wonderful, and I'm exploring Great possibilities for myself by doing so and as long as I continue to listen to my inner tour guide I do Great, its only if I ignore that inner tour guide that I find myself off course again, so Ive decided to continue to allow my inner voice to be the guide for the Best life for me, do you ever wonder how us fitness people have the ability to keep on Motivating and Inspiring daily..Its that voice inside are self are passion that will not let us give up, and its that passion that leads us to all of you daily to keep are light shinning bright for you all to see that if its working for us than maybe just maybe it will work for you..

than people like you go daily searching for someone to keep you Motivated, and accountable so that you can be a success story as well that's what this is we attract what we want  in are life good or bad we get to decide like for me. I changed my life in my 40s because I found out through following other 40 year old ladies that it was possible for me to make the change for myself as well, and I allowed there stories to inspire me to get off the couch... you can hang around negative do nothing with there life people, or you can move past that and see more for you by watching how others are doing it, and you can jump on board as well and change every area of your life as well it always starts with you First now that I know this I apply it to my life daily with my fan page and my main face book page and through YouTube Videos, because I know its what I need daily so I keep praying that I can spark some interest in all of you as well to live you life with passion and zest and be a better, healthier, happier person because of it..

Life is a gift to be cherished daily... choose wisely who you allow in your close circle and always listen to the voice within to guide and lead you to a greater more abundant life daily, its up to you to find people to inspire you for more and than take the lead in your life and never look back keep going and keep growing your in charge of your own destiny so make it great daily..

Peace and Love, Ursula

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Celebrate YOU

I love Celebrating being a Woman everyday and taking you all on this journey with me it gives me great honor to share my story, and tips with you to assist myself, and all of you daily to see all that you are capable in doing Yes we are mulitaskers and lovers of life that's how we do are life, and I am showing you my life to spark you even further to see all your gifts and talents as well mind never stays quiet so I finally found a way to express myself and take you along this amazing journey, that I'm having I am blessed to be Alive and free to me and each and everyday I fight for that because that's the life I deserve to have is a life worth living and loving each and everyday, and through it all I remember to love more and be love...

I was taking my son and his girlfriend shopping yesterday, and we were getting Blimpie sandwich's for dinner and a lady next to us was crying the whole time, and she worked there... I wanted to go hug her and see if there was anything I could do I felt my Mother instincts kicking in, but then I thought what if she just wanted to be alone, and I did not want to make a seen now that I think back I really wish I would of said something to her I could of said some words or gave her a hug to assist in brightening her day, so I say to all of you don't hold back if your led to do something do it ...God could be using you to make someones day brighter so from now on I'm not going to hold back if I feel led to do something or bless someone I'm doing it...

Life is Amazing and I pray that the Videos I make on Ursula s World continue to bless you, and all   my tips assist in you creating a great healthy life for yourself as well and I'm showing you it always starts with yourself First...Loving life and sharing my days with you is a great life Subscribe so you don't miss all my videos  I'm having a great life join me...

today celebrate you by taking care of you First and than and only than will you learn and begin to be able to take care of others as well through lots of love and positive healthy living..this is why I share everyday because I'm loving the life I live and I pray you all are as well continue to bless yourself, and see the miracles all around you Like all the beautiful flowers this time of year they are amazing..

Peace and Love always, Ursula 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

are you in love with your life

I'm in love with changing my life right now, and bringing all of you with me I went from a shy stay at home mom to a outgoing confident sexy woman, and that is AMAZING to me I could right a book about how crazy my life has been growing up with alcoholic parents and than being shipped to alcoholic grandparents in the summer it has made me stronger, this I know for sure and it did make me grow up to fast and become very responsible at a young age always taking care of them, so for that I don't drink much I love my sober exciting fabulous life that I keep creating everyday.. I'm always on a natural High.

I have changed myself thanks to beachbody now and discovering  my story does matter, and I'm loving assisting other woman, which is my passion in discovering a whole new way of life through better healthier lifestyle choices daily...That's my passion now not to dwell on the past but to make sure I'm a great role model to my kids and that they can always count on me being there to support them in there life choices, and to always remember it starts with me and my healthy lifestyle choices daily...

Years went by after having my children and I thought in order to be a great wife and Mother I must put everyone else first, because that's also what you learn when your a child of alcoholics, because your always trying to fix everything so that life will get better...I finally realized I was dieing slowly, and now thanks to my New life I have reclaimed me, and because I did that I'm taking all of you on Ursula s World to make sure I'm doing my part to educate as may people as I can into a brighter more beautiful healthy life Its not about how much money you have, or how much stuff you have its about digging deep within yourself and transforming your inside as well as your outside and learning by replacing old bad habits with healthy Great ones you begin to learn to love you more, and start making You a priority, which in turn makes your life Better and everything begins to become brighter each and everyday and then when you get your mind, body soul and spirit on the right track you will focus on your greatness more and start becoming more confident and Alive and you will set the healthy successful boundaries for your life, and everything becomes clearer and brighter all around so please comment and let me know if there is anything I can do to further  assist in your journey.... I have a thousand ideas in my head. Good Luck making You better each day.
Peace and Love Always, Ursula 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Fight for YOU

Hello my friends,
I'm so excited new ideas are popping up in my head everyday, and I have been following them without thinking they are to crazy... I'm embracing them for the first Time I feel free to express me more and more each day because I feel Fabulous something great is happening to my inside as well as my outside. I feel a breakthrough finally and like a cleanse all over to be free to be me, so I decided to call this Blog as well as my twitter, and YouTube "Ursula's World because I'm so much more than a Beachbody coach beachbody coach Ursula was what I needed in order to start to rebuild me, and Now I need to expand it into Ursula's World , because I have so much more that I want to share with all of you...

I believe God has given me a Gift, not only to have a second chance at life but to share all my secrets of success with all of you in order that you all can be set Free as well to unleash all of your gifts, and talents that you were born with as well..Its time to live for you and love as you go get in touch with you each and everyday I invite you to go inside yourself, and find out what you love and bring it forth and celebrate your life in such a way that if it were your last day here on earth that you would not have any regrets..Wake up everyday with gratitude and love and be you without being concerned about who will care not everyone will like you anyway so stop pleasing and start being you all of you..

I went through many years hiding my body afraid I was too Curvy for the world to see so I wore many curtain outfits as my husband called them, because after I had my kids I thought that's what moms did it wasn't until I found beachbody on face book that I realized WOW woman and men of all ages are embracing there bodies and showing there results and Maybe just maybe I could do that as well and get back my Confidence and ability to inspire back...WOW that's huge as I write this tears are in my eyes, because I fought hard to regain me back and most of the time doing it alone without family support, so sometimes you must fight the good fight to regain all of you so this is why I have a Huge passion for Love through change, because I not only fought to get all of me back I fought to get cancer out of my body last year, and I will continue to fight for me and all of you to see your beauty, and your greatness everyday find people that inspire you and stay strong and fight for you, all of you and never ever give up on creating a healthy more positive loving you daily..

Peace and Love Always , Ursula

Sunday, April 15, 2012

follow your thoughts as your guide

My mind wakes me up every morning thinking about new ideas to write about, and new videos to make that's how much I love motivating and inspiring all of you my mind must stay busy, and than putting those thoughts into action now that is the greatest feeling ever..How many of you get creative action thoughts, and put them into action? and how many of you get the thoughts and talk yourself out of them before you even do them? You have the ability to put you thoughts in to action steps daily, that's what they are there for how many people disregard there thoughts afraid of them what will people think if I do this?

You have to stop being concerned about what others may say or do if you follow your passion, and be more concerned about living out all your thoughts ,and dreams and when you start living this way it becomes easier and more enjoyable and each time you do something you have never done before You begin to know, and feel how great it feels to follow your thoughts that form into action steps that have the ability to change your life for the better each day...

Like this Blog I write I never know what I'm going to write about or who will even care to read it I just follow whats in my heart, and the thoughts I get in the morning and start typing and it all comes out and its like a cleanse to me to get out whats on my mind, and heart and even if nobody reads I followed my thoughts that turn into my passion, which stretch me out of my comfort zone and make my life richer because I had a place to share whats going on and that for me is an outlet that I need being a stay at home mom gives me a place to share safely; and a place that I always come back to because I love to write what I'm feeling, I also discovered about myself on this fit 4 life journey that I love to make workout videos and blogging videos its another place for me to motivate and inspire myself as well as others all around the world for a healthy New life that they as well can create..Everyone needs an outlet aside from just there family a place to express themselves, and be who they were created to be it lifts your soul and makes you feel Alive by helping others along the way that's what I have discovered about myself at least...I get a feeling of release for love through change each time I do it and I pray I'm helping as many as I can see how fabulous it is to follow your inner voice each and everyday as a guide to your life that you get to love and live each and everyday...just planted my new flower spring

stop waiting for others to make you happy and start making yourself happy by following your gifts and talents daily that is what they are there for is to share with others in order to start living the life you desire and love...Start today and who cares, who cares... the ones that will love you for you, all of you are the only ones you need..
Peace and Love Always, Ursula 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

get content with making you better each day

many of us struggle with what we see on the magazines, and wanting a body like that I know I got that way for awhile, and we all have body issues we deal with that's just life. Ive decided that in order to stay in peace and not beat myself up about the body I have do everything in my power to make it great for my body type daily..
I have decided that since I have curves keep the good curves, and make the toxic belly fat go away by clean eating and lots of core strengthening belly fat workouts..

I get my pictures taken now of me in New swim suits to keep myself excited to keep going strong and to also see what more I can do to firm up... you don't know what you have to work on until you see yourself on video or pictures and than its blasted in your face, and that can be scary enough to shock you into doing more and creating better daily..

Please don't ever give up on you we all have days like that to where we say its taking to long uugghh I don't want to keep going , well If I would of had that attitude when I found out I had Breast cancer last year I would of quit, and I would not be as strong as I am now..whatever are demons are we can face them look them in the mirror and make a better healthier life in spite of them..

I'm not perfect your not perfect we are all just striving to be whole each and everyday, and for me the most important part of my journey is to stay healthy fit and strong and do my best to assist all of you to love yourself enough to get up and continue to fight for you, and I believe the key to that is clean healthy eating, and great workouts you don't have to be skinny to be strong... you  have to be strong to be healthy no matter what body type you have make it Great, and stop comparing yourself to others and start celebrating the beautiful body you have and make it uniquely you each and everyday I love you all and thanks for your support and love and if there is anything I can do to assist you in your journey send me a message..
Peace and Love always, Ursula

Monday, April 9, 2012

Creating a daily plan of action

Never stop learning and growing because when you do life gets dull and boring, so I'm learning new stuff daily about me, and about life I'm pushing myself harder and stronger than I ever have and not because anyone else wants me to.. I want it so bad it hurts..That's the kind of burning desire you must have daily to succeed on this fit 4 life family was just  home on spring break and its always hard the first few days because every ones use to there own thing, and than you put three teens and two adults together and remodeling the kitchen 3 cats, two dogs, and 2 turtles and saws in the garage banging, and say now lets all have a happy week and get along...hahahaha

I'm more of a loner Ive discovered I'm way more organized when everyone is gone I have a set plan of action daily that I have been following now for a year, and I really love it and my husband does not workout he feels having a job is enough for him, and fixing and remodeling the home, so I can never get him to the gym so I made a decision right away that I would continue to stay on my plan of action even while he was home, because I knew I not only needed to burn the calories I needed the stress relief and to give him time to remodel..

so I took all of you with me by taping 15 videos for the spring break to show you how I'm doing it at the gym and on a walks, and at home..I realized finally that what makes me happy and healthy is important to continue even when sometimes its not important to your family... my daughter and I had a blast at the gym and so its great times with her..all and all we all managed to have a great time and I balanced my time with all of them and I felt a lot happier and healthy because I worked out all week and my husband fell at hurt his back the first day so he had to rest a lot in the beginning, so maybe that's just what the doctor ordered for his time off, and for me and the kids we got a lot of fun activities in... so life is Great and I'm back stronger than ever getting ready for my 3 day shakeology cleanse detoxify my body and workout stronger than ever continuing to motivate and inspire all of you life is what you make it so stop giving up on creating a better you daily and don't let anyone sabotage your dreams from becoming a reality not even your husband that buys junk food and brings it home your better and stronger than that ,,stay strong eat clean and workout ...Decide..commit...succeed
Peace and Love Always, Ursula
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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Love and Gratitude

As I'm on Spring Break right now with my family my thoughts are flooding thinking about how truly amazing the simple pleasures of family life really are, and how much I continue to learn about myself and about them everyday..knowing that I'm extremely blessed and grateful to have my life daily its really not about how much money or how much stuff you have its about how much Love you give, and how much you get back by giving, and for me that fills my heart with joy daily being loved, and loving back is the Highest honor to me..

It gets you through the storms of life that come, and go, and it delights your heart daily in order to keep doing what you do..I know for me that love and gratitude gets me through it all and when you know how simple pleasures like love and gratitude will change your life you know that you have discovered the secret that everyone is doing there best to fill with running, and more stuff its not about the stuff ...its about the heart the soul the" peace that surpasses all understanding" and when you find that through God First you know your finally home to a peaceful loving place that only you can discover for yourself one else can give you this gift you must search for it deep within, and than you  begin to live in the freedom of pure joy, and simplicity..Sad to say some people live there whole life and never discover this they waste there life in pure misery and misery loves company...

Love and Joy and simple beautiful laughter, and hugging is all we need that is the true beauty of life the simple pleasures of family, and friends and laughter and peace knowing all you need is more love ..sounds simple right well than why is so many people running from it than when all you have to do is stop running from you, and start the inward freedom that we all deserve to have, and create daily ..I started this blog as a way of getting out my feelings and sharing my knowledge that I have learned over the years, and I pray that I can continue to inspire All of you to keep looking deep within you, and stop searching for things and people to make you happy it must be from you first than once you become whole you manifest freedom, and forgiveness first to you and than it becomes a ripple affect to others ..Go in peace and remember to celebrate your inner beauty as well as your outer beauty..strive to thrive in a world that is so busy, and high paced force yourself to slow down once and awhile and adore all that is already around you...Embrace Love and More Love will come... give and it shall be given to you... Love and Love will always come back in full circle...Be the light in this dark world that we all crave to have more of..
Peace and Love Always Ursula

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Discovering how much you change over the years

I was thinking about my life today as I do daily and I was looking at my 20s and that for me was all about finding my Dream man to marry and have a family with for me the most important part of my twenties was to find a gorgeous man inside and out and start a family.   I  achieved that had three beautiful kids two boys and a girl and than it was surviving that 2 yrs apart each child .and anytime you put two people together in marriage and say now get along and bring in children it does take a lot of work I would say in a marriage the first 5 years are the hardest if you can make that you may have a chance, and as I say That I'm thinking every year is the hardest in a marriage, because it takes daily work to keep it Alive and thriving and everything gets boring after so long so its your job to both work really hard daily...

Thirties were finding a job that I could do to assist with money while the kids were in School So I became a School bus Driver and always made sure that my family and kids came before my job and my husband and I always made sure we had time for each other even if it was sneaking away any chance we could my husband new that he must stay connected to me first, because after all I was there before the kids he always worked a lot as men do with family's it takes a lot of money but one thing I can say about my husband is he always made time for me, and I have always been his priority ..I'm more of a loner than he is so that part has been a big adjustment for me ..

Forties for me now that I have teens is been a huge adjustment because I have went through a life process that has forever changed me being a breast cancer Survivor and being as lucky as I am to have found it so early and came out of it even better than I was before has made me a Better more grateful patient loving person. I see my life now in a whole new way I no longer worry about anything any one my say.. I think about what comes from my heart, and  I do it at that moment, and I became a beachbody coach in my forties someone asked me how do you balance married life with your hobbies and passion and I have to say for me I stopped asking for my husbands approval on everything I do and I started asking myself for what I really wanted and started living my life for me for the first time ever I have to say the Forty's so far are my favorite because I'm braver, stronger, more confident than I have ever been and I no longer allow anyone including my husband to hold me back from having all my Dreams. I know now that in order to be amazingly happy you must first be a whole person, and you can be and still be married ..Its a daily commitment to yourself to do everything in your power to walk and talk in daily gratitude forget the bad and move to the greatness that you get to create daily and stop asking for approval from anyone other than God and YOU...Now my husband loves me even though he does not  understand why I do what I do or why I need different things than he can give me. I need more and so I go after what I need daily to feed my soul and spirit and I don't have to share that part of my life with him ...He gives me what he can and I give myself everything else ...Nobody can make you 100% happy you must first seek that for yourself and than everything else in your life balances out...I pray that my story will always assist in someway to spark a great more loving life in all of you as well..Please feel free if there is any topic you want me to write about I will..

do you wanna know a secret the more you become confident, and whole the sexier you become now that I workout daily and do what I need to do to follow my Dreams and passion the sexier I become to my husband, so therefore who calls me daily for sexy talk YES my husband ..yes we spice it up, and yes he still adores me and I do him wish he would focus more on his sexy spicy side but still after 18 years a daily progress we both are ...Love this life we live, and bring out your sexy, sassy side as much as you can, it does have a way of making everything better remember lady's a way to a mans heart is loyalty, sex and Food and looking your Best because they are very Visual creators, and men you must be patient, loving, strong,honest,amazing heart as well as your looks, and sexy and a great provider...
Peace and Love Always ,Ursula

Monday, March 26, 2012


I'm happy to report its been a year and many months now since I decided to become a Beachbody coach. I never started with the intention to get rich from it I started with the intention to get me back the part I lost back with accountability all over the world and to force myself daily to become the product of the product and I knew that if it worked for me well than anyone could do this program, and be successful I never put myself out there and speak about something that I have not tested first with myself, and I would never tell someone to do or try something unless Ive tested it for me I have had a blast transforming me daily, and I just cant stay quit about how much my life has changed, and everything I have discovered about myself in the process...I feel like Ive been on the Biggest Loser show, because I have taped all my workouts, and journey on YouTube and I love sharing my story with all, and I have allowed my life to help so many people along the way, for me its not about money I don't send people emails saying you need to join Beachbody and bugging people I simply just share my life story daily, and create friendships...

I only want people to join my team that are serious about changing there life as I have I don't want anyone that doesn't want to give it there all. I look at my team as we are here to stay fit 4 life champions, and when the going gets ruff and tired as it does to get back up and keep going that's what Ive done and that's the type of people I'm looking for more people like me to join my team, so Ive always known that if I can do it anyone can and there has been many days that I had to be my own cheerleader to pick myself up when I'm sore and keep going,,knowing the end result will be worth it no matter how long it took to get there..

Ive created this new life I love and I'm doing things Ive never done before daily. I follow my heart and passion and wherever that leads I make a video about it, and I continue to search for people like me with warrior spirits that will fight for there life's back and reclaim there energy and vitality..That's whats the most import thing to me its never been about the money its about helping myself before I can help anyone else, and wherever that leads I'm extremely blessed and grateful daily to be doing what I love every single day becoming the inspiration and role model to my family and friends..what a Gift I gave to myself..
my prayers will always go out to all of you for strength and courage to get you through this life you can love. I'm turning a hobby that I love into a Business and that's the greatest reward.
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

Friday, March 23, 2012

follow your heart that leads to passion

I'm so Blessed this is how I feel everyday. I wake up and I'm Alive and healthy and have a voice to keep inspiring with and a strong body to workout, and do everything I need to taking care of my family and all that I'm blessed enough to get to do in a day..Looking back at my life I'm the luckiest I feel Ive ever been, because I finally developed the courage to go after my Dreams, and make them happen I'm doing things Ive never Dreamed I would ever do, and I'm loving every second of it..something magic happens in your life when you no longer worry about what others may think of you if you step out of your comfort zone, and live your life with passion and zest...

My whole life I allowed others to be my voice and to tell me how I should live my life and I was always sad because of this, and never new my value or Worth because of this it has only been in my 40 s where I finally felt that I might die if I did not make a change and start owning my power that was trapped inside for so long not having a voice will kill you and trying to please everyone else except yourself will kill you as well ..

Today I want to share with you that the most important thing you can do for yourself right now today is allow your inner thoughts and voice to come out and don't care who cares the minute I allowed myself to do this is when I became a whole person and I had to make that choice  if everyone in my family hated me well than its still worth it, and if my husband cant handle all of me than its still worth it, and if someone does not love all of you than they don't deserve you have to make the choice  that its better to be alone than to continue to die a slow death not being you..God puts desires and passion in your  heart for a reason, so that you will follow them and let him be the guide not people, they don't know what you need unless you tell them, and show them..So today I want to encourage you to start living a life you love no matter what that is, do you and allow your inner voice to be your tour guide..Now because I do this I love it I'm stepping out and living a life I love and bringing all of you with me through YouTube I'm set free, and I want you all to be as take a deep breath and pray for the strength and courage to set yourself free to fly into a life you love as well..
Peace and Love Always, Ursula
Please follow this blog and comment thanks in advance

Monday, March 19, 2012

Push yourself out of your comfort zone daily

Beautiful New week to be grateful for even though everything is not perfect it is what it is and you get what you focus on so focus on more love and gratitude in order to get more back..I'm learning this more and more each and everyday in my life and am what I focus on and think about most in my life and for me this applies so great in my life to keep me uplifted and positive. I stopped worrying about what others do and do me and every time I do me and focus on gratitude and figure out a way to put more of that great attitude out into the world the greater more abundant life keeps getting for me..

I made a decision to open up my life to the world to make videos to get out of my comfort zone and to show everyone how I'm getting back in shape in my 40s it was not an easy choice, and I did not ask anyone if they thought it was a good idea... I knew I needed it in order to stay accountable to someone more than my family I needed the support, so I felt if I needed it that maybe just maybe there would be someone out there I could help in the process to set myself free and others along the way..

I have always believed that I have a gift to touch other peoples life in a honest loving way and to show you all that I'm human just like you and We all have trials and tribulations we just need to learn to deal with them through love and gratitude and realize we were created for greatness and love and share that love with the I believe that's what I'm doing with my YouTube channel I'm sharing my at home videos with all of you so that maybe I can assist in you realising that you can get in shape at home too, any age any size and body type, that if its possible for me than its possible for you and I'm having a blast doing it.  I would of never guessed that in a million years that I would be doing this,so my advice to you is push yourself out of your comfort zone daily and take risks in your life and make a no fail plan of action for yourself as to make this a Fit 4 life plan for you not just a fad or a diet but something you focus on daily I'm always here for you please follow this blog and send comments and I would be honored to assist in anyway I can..
Peace and Love Always, Ursula 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

set yourself free and be you

Good Morning,
I'm a morning person so I'm up and at it at 4:00 getting my husband off to work and than I lay down for about 15 Min's and my mind is already planning out the day I'm so programed now on the life that makes me feel the best that my mind always jumps ahead and takes the lead while I'm laying down in the morning always thinking of new ideas to write about and always thinking of my workouts and getting the kids off to School this is how I live everyday planing out each day for success..

So when I hear people say there bored or that there life is boring I have to say that's your fault boring people get bored. I make my life in such a away even though its mostly the same thing each week cleaning cooking laundry, I put in these great alone times for me in my schedule as to take care of me and not get bored, because what I have found if you start writing out a successful plan of action for yourself making sure you put your hour at the top of your list well than everything else always gets done, because you have the energy to do it and your happier while you do it even if its just cleaning the house like us moms and dads do...

I find that everything just gets better and that's why I keep doing it not only am I transforming my body I'm transforming ever area in my life and I find because workouts are a huge stress reliever I'm such a happy person now not much brings me down, and when life gets crazy as it does I can handle it more with Grace if I would of known all the great side effects by taking one hour a day for me I would have never ever stopped this way of life this Is why I talk about it so much, because it changes your life not only physical but mental well being is so much greater like now my husband thinks I'm living in fairy tail lane because the things I use to get mad at before and focus on I don't... I do me and that's what makes me happy everyday I don't think about what I'm going to do and process it and wonder what people might think about my lifestyle. I just follow my heart and passion and the rest follows into the greatest life ever its never about the other people in your life making everyone else happy that will never happen and not everyone will agree with you or even like you so do yourself a favor set yourself free from everyone Else's approval and do you and create a healthy balance in your life today that's what its all about you don't have to be a body builder just get moving something is better than nothing...Never expect someone else to make you happy make yourself happy..

Peace and Love Always, Ursula

Monday, March 12, 2012

Find One hour a day for you

Busy weekend it was, got great time with my middle son on Saturday with his hair cut, and out to lunch than on Sunday we tackled the New Counter tops for the Kitchen when you buy an older home there is always repairs and remodeling to do, and we do the work ourselves to save on the labor costs so there is always lots of weekend remodeling projects going on at my home..

I love to stay busy I much prefer weekends like that than just sitting in front of the TV like my husband likes to that I have changed my life, and became healthier and fit I prefer to be doing things... plus my mind never shuts off its always thinking like most of us woman do...Always so much to do it seems to run a home. 

I have been working so hard on me in my 40s Ive noticed even more than any other age it seems something happens in your 40s at least it did for me, to where I realized I was going to have to get my life back on track before it was to late I felt like I had hit 41 and just could not burn the fat on my body as fast as before and realized if I did not get myself in check I would end up like my mom quicker than sooner my mom never ever exercised a day in her life, and still does not to this day, and I can see her health declining faster because of the lifestyle choices she has made and I realized having teenagers, and not feeling good and no energy just was not going to work for me any longer, so I decided I better get off my butt do some research and do this for me so that I could live the rest of my years great and just see if I could make my 40s fabulous, and now in three months I'm going to be 43 I have never ever hid my age I'm proud of my age and intend to keep up on this fit four life journey not because I didn't love myself fat before, but because I decided that in order to be Greater and healthier I must get fit to keep up with my kids and to keep my husband interested even more...

I acceded my goals with my workouts, and have continued to love this new lifestyle, because when you feel the best and happiest you have ever been its worth it and now I cant imagine living any other way I feel I have found the fountain of youth key with everything I'm doing for my body mind and spirit now and so therefore that's why I continue to share with all of you Love yourself fat or Fit, but Fit is really where you began to start living a life you love because you wake up feeling so great with so much energy daily that you began to really live and really love and this is why I do this fit 4 life lifestyle because It gave me back to me and now I do it all and feel fabulous doing it and now Im a role model for my kids and they take care of themselves because of it my daughter runs laps around the pool and does workout videos with me and my oldest son rides his bike everywhere and swears its given him great abs because of it and my middle son does a lot of walking , swimming so it does rub off on your family...My kids are my joy and I get to run them all around and shop and do what they do and have the energy to be present always that's living the greatest way to live ,make time for you I always say find a hour a day just for you and put amazing healthy food in your body and live a life you love and share it with all...
Peace and Love Always Ursula

Friday, March 9, 2012

follow your passion

OK so I woke up thinking about why I'm so excited still about my beachbody lifestyle changes I keep making and I was remembering what gave me Joy as a child, and a teenager going through hard family times growing up with alcoholic parents and grandparents you learn to go into survival mode to save yourself, so for me it was always praying to God for a better greater life, and it was always Music that took me away to another world through dancing I can remember the family all leaving, and I would turn the music so loud throughout the house and dance all through the house like flash dance not only was it a great workout it relieved  my stress and tension from the world of troubles...

after getting married and having baby's I forget about dance for awhile and forgot what I Love as we do after having a family and getting into survival mode raising kids, then I kinda lost myself, and what I love for awhile doing all for others and forgetting me trying to be the best wife and mother I could be... being a sober loving mother striving for the opposite as I grew up. and then I would workout at home and do my best to stay motivated but never ever loved it and had no one around me to be accountable to so I always failed and never took my life seriously just always doing for others story of my life and than one day in my 40s I realized WOW I saw a picture of me and didn't think I was that Big and it scared the shit out of me because I now realized I was in my 40s and if I do not get my life back on track I just may stay fat forever and I didn't feel like I was in my 40s and sure didn't want to look like it or give up on me, because I wanted more for me I wanted to be a role model for my children and have my husband be proud to say to people this is my wife and still adore me as he once did before I lost myself...

So I did the only thing I could do is join Beachbody as a coach because I needed the accountability so desperately even though it was the scariest thing Ive ever done I even hated the name Beachbody because when your overweight you say to yourself yeah right like I could ever have a beachbody only in my dreams, so I took my Dreams as I did dancing through my house as a teen and I decided I'm gonna give it a try and I will either sink or swim and I love to swim so I'm taking you all with me on YouTube and we are all going to do this fit 4 life journey together and Ive been stretching myself out of my comfort zone every since, so the reason I'm telling you my story today is to Please never give up on you, you deserve to be healthy, and fit and to follow your passion and now today I'm healthier fitter and dancing again thank you God Im Alive and also survived Cancer I'm a fighter a warrior, and only getting better day by day I'm alive and I mean REALLY ALIVE and Living a Life I'm so very Proud of 42 and it just keeps getting Better...

Peace and Love Always, Ursula 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

make a No fail Plan of Action each week

I'm learning the older I get the more vital it is that I focus on me more... I know you may say how can I do that when I'm so busy working and being a taxi service whatever your life looks like I know that we all are way to busy, and overworked and sometimes not enough sleep..So what if you woke up with a plan of ACTION that you write out just like you write the kids schedule, and the errands for the week and the needs of others always before most of us moms do...

What if you sat down in the morning looked at your calender for the week and took out the things that are not benefiting you that your doing for someone else lets say and replace One hour a day just for YOU...

Could you see that if you do this for yourself pencil in one hour a day of meditation and workouts that life just may get easier, and you just might get happier and healthy at the same time... workouts are HUGE STRESS Relievers you get to take out all your aggression out at the Gym, and leave it there along with extra fat burned..

Do realize how long its taken me to realize I deserve to do this for myself and do you realize how Grateful I am Because I make a No fail plan of action for me each week, and guess what you can have it all you just have to write it all out and get rid of the bad unhealthy habits to make room for the great healthy ones..

I've finally figuring it out and that's why I keep sharing with all of you in hopes that my wisdom will rub off on you. I have three teens one is in drivers training, at night the other in softball the other getting his braces on all evening stuff, so If I don't get my workout done in the morning after I take my kids to School its just not gonna happen And I value me more than that now so I'm always going to make time for me in the mornings and when my family's home on long weekends I workout in my Home Gym... wow that is amazing to make a no fail plan of action daily..Set yourself free to fly today by doing great things for you and I promise the results will keep you making it happen more and more..Success always starts by creating a Better You daily..SELFISH EQUALS SELF CARE
Peace and Love always, Ursula

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Design your Life the way you want

You have the right to follow your passion and figure out your purpose, If you haven't noticed we are all good at different things and thank God for that..Why not instead of fighting what your good at why not embrace it and allow more to would it be to be able to wake up daily and focus on all that you love and invite many to join this way of life instead of waking up daily hating what you do...

The greatest gift you can give yourself is to set yourself free to fly into a life and a purpose that's best for you, the way that God intended it to be in the first place how many of us take the time to allow are inner voice to be are guide instead of following someone Else's path why not find a quiet place and pray for are own guidance and strength..

Well I'm 42 and I'm finally learning how to follow my passion and purpose and to figure out what I'm good at and go with it..To many years of my life were wasted following other peoples Dreams and passions and now 40s for me are like the beginning of me... life rediscovery years for me..

I listened and try ed to fix everyone in my life for years alcoholics parents, grandparents and Husband that loves to drink as well, and now Its about Me... being the best me that I can create daily Loving my kids and giving them the healthy role model mom that they deserve that will instill great healthy values, and goals into there life. I strove to be the opposite of my family now its time to make the greater change for myself, and get my healthy life on track and bring many with me that's my passion I finally figured out what puts a smile on my face everyday, and its not ever going to come from another person it must come from you First..Too many years were wasted afraid to do what I love, because other people said I didn't need that... well guess what I'm finally getting Smart and I'm doing what I Love and feel the best I have ever felt in my life so either the people in my life will except all of me, or they will have to leave, because I'm not sacrificing ME any longer I'm doing Me all of me and Yes if I show Progress pictures of me in my sports bra or bikini and it offends any of YOU than rather than being a hater just delete me... I realize not everyone is into fitness and I realize" I'm over the top " I'm a ALL OR NOTHING GIRL,but I'm only getting started so if my personality is to BIG for You Unfriend me that's your right and I understand that's part of loving yourself...So for me I'm just getting started on this fit 4 life journey love me or hate me I'm here to stay..
Peace and Love Always Ursula

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Love yourself enough to take care of YOU

Wow was laying in bed as I do in the morning, and I was thinking about why I stay so happy about Beachbody and my workouts, which I never ever have been excited to workout in the past, and I realized you have to find a workout program that is challenging, and also most import Fun.  If  you hate to workout  you must find a Challenge program, that fits your personality, that was the Change I needed and finally found through at home beachbody DVDs... push through the pain to get rid of the fat..and keep doing it again and again and most important find a challenge group people that keep you accountable, but not make you want to quit they are there just to lift your spirits, and let you know you can do it, and that's so huge in this fit 4 life process to surround yourself with Successful people that are doing it, and than Inspire to be Inspired as well..

Thats what my YouTube channel does for me each time I get a new subscriber or new comment I get excited like wow maybe I am helping myself and others along the way that is a great feeling and thats what keeps you going you need to know that your helpinng others while your helping yourself or at least I do, thats a powerful blessing in my life and thats what keeps me going, and excited for change knowing that people could watch any workout video there are so many but because Im building friendships and connections daily they stop by and that means the world to me... I needed  it as a wife and a busy mom to have something just for me to rebuild my confidence, and have something of my own that would also affect my spirit and others greatly by getting in shape and blessing others that cant afford to buy beachbody dvds to have a place to go as to regain there lifes as well, and when I hear people say Im helping and inspiring them to do more and be more...well How could I ask for anymore than that..God gives us all gifts and talents we just get to figure out how to use them as a blessing in peoples lifes...So follow your passion and regain you all of you your inner, and outer beauty is yours to regain and create daily and always follow your inner piece not someone elses it always starts with you first loving you as God loves you, and than sharing that piece and that Love and Gratitude with the world and It will always come back to you, and the negative people will eventually leave your life, because your kindness will kill them, because misery always loves company so choose your company wisely...Stay amazingly blessed Im always here for you wanting you to be at your Best daily...
Piece and Love Always , Ursula 

Monday, February 27, 2012

what makes you happy

Morning Woke up to more Snow and I was thinking how wonderful it is that I get to work from home and That I'm lucky enough to do what I love having the choice like I have is the BEST.. I get to raise my kids First and put there needs First, and Myself right at the top of the list and Yes of course my husband, dogs, and cats how Amazing really to be that involved daily with everyone I love..That is what beachbody has done for me and more than I could ever imagined possible..Something that you may need is not what someone else needs its our job as individuals to find are own passion and Zest for life...

I find in my own life if I do things that make other people happen and forget my own needs and happiness I'm never happy but If I do me, and take care of me first, than the family and make a schedule that works for everyone in my family than I'm always happy I have developed a routine for myself that works amazingly wonderful. I wake up have a huge glass of water spend time with my husband and get his lunch ready for him and send him off to his day at 4:30 am with lots of Love, than its me time I get on the net and write my blog and Inspire the world with positive light and love and than it always comes back to you, and it sets the tone for more Gratitude and Love all day long take the kids to school and than I mark  the First Hour of the day For me once all of that is done..

I now have joined Golds Gym, because I had a Workout group here at my home and I felt it was better to expand and go to the Gym half of the time to meet like minded people, and also to challenge myself even more so I'm really happy with my choice in doing that it makes it even more fun to workout being around so many more people that have the same goal in mind, and that is to get fit healthy and positive because really people that workout are so much more positive, than people that don't its my happy drug for you see I say it all the time do what makes you happy and write down a No fail Schedule for yourself weekly and when Mommas Happy every ones happy, and there will be incredible results that you get to create daily how exciting and when you make this your lifestyle change for life you become a better person in all areas of your life ..Worth checking into I would say...
Join me on this happy, positive, fit for life journey..
Peace and Love Always and Forever URsula 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

push through and make time for You

Wow Hello everyone its been awhile since I have wrote, my family was home for four days, so it was cook, clean, cook , clean and remodel we are painting the whole house, and remodeling are kitchen, so Yes that takes time and effort, so needless to say It was busy. ... thank God for my home Gym area, because I was able to slip in there for a great workout first thing in the morning before things got busy..I was going to try and take two days off recovery time but I found I am happier, and have more energy when I do a yoga class to stretch first and than slip in a ten min dancing video makes me come Alive, so I did that and always feel so much doesn't matter if no one else in your family works out do it for you because it will always make you feel great after, and kinda silly ready to deal with three teens, as I have always something going husband thinks that there should only be one workout that I need when hes home...hahaha

I have found that if I do what I need to do to put myself at the top of my to do list than there will always be time for everything else I have to do and I can do it with a great attitude and feel great because I made time for me which no one else can do but you , when your family is home on long vacations..I have found the best thing I can do is check out for a least an hour a day for me working on my mind, body and soul is what keeps me sane  and able to keep going...

Love yourself enough to make a plan of action each week starting with you ...what will you do meditate, workout, and where will you do it at home in the Gym or both like me, meditate at home focusing on gratitude and than get to work on you..I have went strong now for over a year making sure I eat great , exercise and continue on this fit for life journey, and I'm not planing on stopping anytime soon now that I feel so great, and yes there is a lot of sore body parts that come along with this journey, but to me if that's what it takes to get rid of the toxic body fat and regain me a healthy fit for life me, than I'm willing to push through the pain and someone said to me yesterday I was looking through your pictures and you still have a lot of belly fat , so its just how you see it I see it as Yes I'm not there yet, but look at how far I have come and no matter how long it takes to get rid of all the belly fat I'm in to not give up and to continue to push Harder each day..So do yourself a favor sometimes you must guard your ears or let them be your motivators to push harder,,there will always be people that think you have more work to do or that think you are great the way you are ..Your job is to do it for you, and make the Body you want and feel great with not what someone else thinks that you should look like. I am a Curvy girl so no matter how much I workout I will Have the booty and the boobs so My job is to get rid of the toxic belly fat and trim the arm fat and inner thighs..So I know what I have to do, because I see myself naked, so thanks for the feedback but I know what I need to do for my body, just takes time if wanna keep it off and do it the healthy way...Peace and Love always Never ever give up on You and always do it for you. Ursula

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Interest or Comittment

I'm not just Interested, I am Committed! 

There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when its convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results. There are only two options regarding commitment. You’re either in or out. There’s no such thing as a life in-between..
This I know for sure because when Your committed you don't stop you keep getting up daily and pushing through the pain through the soreness of each and every workout program and you do it day in and day out because your committed...

What a great feeling when you continue on your fit 4 life journey because your committed, and because you know you want it more than just a interest that will succeed when you pencil in you daily fitness goals,and stay committed even if you have to do it alone you take the credit for your own results, and you become accountable to you first then you find others to keep you accountable as well and you develop a fit 4 life mentality that keeps you keeping on through the pain, and when you complete a program or class each time you do it you get stronger and your able to push harder each time, and you feel such a huge accomplishment that you begin to get more confident..more Alive..Vitality gets stronger, and you begin to realize why you stay committed to keep on keeping on, because your worth it and than its only natural to want to share your results, and how great you feel with everyone this is why I love doing what I do through Beachbody because it gives me that opportunity to keep sharing and to keep growing..

I encourage you to ask yourself today if your Interested in changing you ? or are you committed to changing you for life ?
Peace and Love always send me a message I'm always here to assist in your success as well as mine 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Love Beautiful Love

Love Beautiful Love
how great love is how great it is to feel every single day... love is what lifts the soul, and makes your heart sing ..Love is what gets you out of bed each day..Love is what makes you smile..Love is what lights the world and makes your heart sing..Love is all we need..Love creates safety and positiveness..Love is what you feel when your a child, and you know there is a God..Love is the tingling you feel that keeps you going strong...Love is the fireworks and emotions you feel in your heart, that keep you smiling for hours and tingling...LOVE is security and worthiness..Love is Gratitude..

Love knows no boundaries, or barriers Love will make you happy through the storms of life the storms no longer feel like storms they feel like rainbows guiding you to your perfect world..Something remarkable happens when you Love yourself first in a well balanced way all of a sudden you attract more Love everywhere you go, and you Ozze Will self confidence, and begin to sparkle as if everyone is attracted to you, because you ooze with Love, and radiate it to the world all of a sudden you become a ray of hope Light and Love for all to see..and the more you Love you the more everyone else does to ..You no longer put up walls, and barriers to protect you from love, hurt, and disappointments you open up your heart for the world to see and your Love becomes a guide to how people preserve you, and treat you so today ask yourself not just on Valentines Day but everyday how do you feel about LOVE? and how important is Love to you ? Well if your wanting more it always starts with you first loving yourself first, and opening up your life to others without conditions of who you feel they should be...Remember Confidence and Love is SEXY

Something to think about this Valentines Day is whether your alone or have a family all you really need is more LOVE ...Love is what we are all searching for daily and Love is the Glue to keep are mind , body , soul and spirit pure and pleased..look deep inside yourself and forgive who you need to... move on and never stay stuck keep spreading the Love and more will always come back live each day as it could be your last and Brighten up the world with more LOVE today forever and Always , Ursula

Friday, February 10, 2012

Voices in Your Head

Yes its going to be painful..Yes its going to be hard to continue..Yes you will want to quit..Yes you will have to push through the pain..Yes you will not feel like continuing
Are Minds are so powerful ,and they can get us through the most difficult times what you believe is what you create... what you say to yourself in the morning is the results you create for the whole day..Focusing on Gratitude is vital for your success. the Greatness you feel about love and Life and positive energy no matter what the more you continue to create in your life.. your job is to push through all the pain, and the negative talk and walk and become a champion in your mind, body, soul, and spirit and no one will do it for you...

If your expecting someone to do all the hard work for you than its not going to happen for you ..You have to continue to pick yourself up daily through the pain, through the soreness, and want it more than anyone else and no matter what happens you have to be your own cheerleader daily..Yes its great to get praise for what you do, and attention but don't expect it daily, because during the lonely dark days, and sore days your the one that has to continue your the one that has to look at your naked body in the mirror, and your the one that's in charge of your life and destiny..People will always fail you, but God and YOU can do anything don't be afraid to be alone for during the alone times is when your Strengthened with more power than you can Imagine, and than and only than does your cup get filled up with more Love and Gratitude...more than you can ever Imagine..
So today forever and Always no matter how hard life gets and how bad you want to give up on yourself Remember" God doesn't give up on you so why would you ever even consider giving up on YOU"..Push through the Pain and I promise Victory and Greatness Is after..Be a champion and Never ever Give up on Creating the Greatest You that you can only Imagine in Your Dreams Visualize who You were Born to Be and than take the Action steps to Create it for Yourself Daily...I believe in You most Importantly Do you believe in YOU?
I'm here for you as always contact me anytime for guidance and accountability
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

You Get to Choose

People always say how do you stay focused and committed to keep going even through the pain of sore bodies, and I always say" No pain No Gain "You have to want to get in Great shape more than you want anything else, and the more you push through the pain the Stronger and Healthier you get..

Hard work does pay off the more you do it the better you feel, and look and eventually you become  your BEST daily, and than there is No turning back, because you now no the difference and it becomes your healthy Lifestyle for Life... this is why I talk about this everyday the only people that get annoyed by me are the people that don't want to change the ones that have got comfortable sitting on the couch eating what they want, and doing what they want, which is Nothing...Eventually this type of do nothing lifestyle will catch up with them because they will have to make time for doctors to tell them they are over weight and need to change or stay sick...
my feeling is why wait till your sick, or over weight to make the change..make it before your over weight and sick its a whole lot easier...You get to choose no one can do it for you all I can do is tell you the benefits of great health ..the feeling you get is like no other..

So today I invite you to take a look at your life and see if your even on your to do list do you make time for you or is everyone else first and than your left feeling tired burned out and over weight...????? Ask yourself a question today are you worth making time for ?
I'm here for you as always contact me and I'm here for accountability and support daily I'm your Number one Cheerleader..
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

Monday, February 6, 2012

Actions do speak louder than words sometimes

Morning its kinda funny since I started the beachbody program over a year ago everyone in my family thought it was just something I was doing for a little while and I would fail, and get bored and stop doing it, so they really didn't pay attention to what I was doing and didn't say much now all of a sudden my family knows its serious and I have had Huge results, and I'm still going... will I know when I meet my Goal I don't know, and I don't know really even what my goal is in pant size or even weight size everyone thinks you have to weigh yourself and count all the pounds lost..I guess I have chosen to do things different I do it to how I feel and how my clothes fit and than,progress pictures... I know because I have to start buying smaller closes, which that gets me excited..

For me I just want my tiny waist back and tighten up the body like spanks and look good and feel good in a bikini that's all I'm not looking to be your next bodybuilder. I'm looking to look great and feel fit and strong and confident..

so now all of a sudden my husband is interested in what I'm doing what I'm saying, and who I'm saying it to so he had a long weekend off and he has a tablet computer that he does simple things on like check his email and order net fix movie,s or knifes sportsman warehouse stuff, and now I'm on his to do list to check and read my blog and find out what I'm doing that's working so great now that its working hes curious..Amazingly weird and I guess strange since he has never really liked anything about I said to him Great now that you have become a fan or my newest stalker maybe you will learn more about fitness and positive living..

So whatever works to bring people in to a better healthier more positive life do it..Like I said everyone has to do it in there own time, in there own way even if my husband has to do it through stalking me..hahaha make a healthy plan of action for you, and than keep going, because you have no idea how many life's you will affect just by being quiet and making the changes you need to make all of a sudden the people around you take notice and are interested even if they don't workout they see you have found a secret that is making you more confident and more Alive and Youthful they get afraid that maybe they wont be in your future if they don't take notice and  don't make you a husband said wow maybe I will have to go to golds gym and go swimming..keep going ..keep dreaming..keep reaching for a healthier happier you its there inside of you bring it out and share it with the world
Peace and Love Always , Ursula

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Wow Oh, Wow the weeks are flying bye and before you know it, Summer will be here..I don't know how you feel about it but I want to be ready for my bikini ...I wasted to many years covering up. I'm not going to do that anymore..I have a Huge Underground pool in my back yard, and I'm tired of letting everyone else look and feel good in that pool, and me sitting on the sideline saying great job to my kids..Nope those days are over..I'm Alive free and Ready to Fly...

I had to get sick of being fat and I had to make the choice to do it for me and me alone no one can tell you to do it, it must come from you because you have to eat drink and sleep fitness in order to succeed just like you do in business, you have to make it top priority for you to succeed...Creating someone to be accountable too is a MUST, because if you don't you will fail..Creating my YouTube channel was the best thing I could of ever done for me, and in the process I'm helping so many people so you talk about a Win Win Situation, it is

Look at your life and see what your happy with, and keep that and than look at YOU.... I mean really Look at You" Stand in front of your mirror Naked after the shower" and See what you are not happy with, and than get to work on you...Never ever give up on YOU creating a BETTER Healthier Stronger You daily, which in turn makes everything better in your Life "By the way"..So NO more Excuses Get Up and work On you today You must be at the top of your to do list or you will fail, and remember the only one that can put You on the top of your to do list is YOU....Get to work and send me messages and please comment and follow this Blog, so that I can continue to be inspired to write and share my life with all of You...
Peace and Love Always Ursula

Monday, January 30, 2012

Better You Daily

Through the years you learn what works, and what does not work with everything ....that's the beauty of life lessons..The good the bad, and the ugly shall we say..
I finally figured it out at 42 what I love, and what works for me and that's why I love Beachbody the whole program is a no fail program it gets me excited everyday to work out and feel and look the best I ever have so much so that I get sad on the days I do not workout...

When you finally find a no fail program and you get excited to keep transforming yourself as I have...That is Exciting..What I'm finding is you just get better with age like fine aged wine if you take care of yourself and that alone is so worth it..

I was also thinking about the 40s are so Hot now desperate housewife series made it possible for us all to realize if we work hard on us we can and will be extremely sexy and confident for a lot of years..the days of over eating and getting fat are over and we now get to defy are age for longer do to fitness and eating clean..So bring it on. I'm so excited, and so ready to keep getting sexier more alive and vital than I ever have been before..what about you how do you feel about this ask yourself are you confident ? excited to be naked like what you see in your mirror and fit in your clothes like you want to ? I pray the answer is Yes, but if its Not I'm here  for you to show you how you can transform you mind, body soul and spirit daily. I'm doing it as a stay at home Mom and so can you...Today make the best choice for you find a no plan of action for you and fight to be the best sexiest you that you can be...
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Be the Best You no matter what

So what do you do when you are doing everything you can to stay healthy and become healthier and better daily and the people you live with have no interest in healthy living ?
I woke up thinking about this today because I was thinking about my own life I'm sharing some personal stuff with you today in hopes that it will assist us all.

My husband works hard granted but on his time off all he wants to do is watch TV Drink beer, He chews and eat and have Sex that's all hes interested in...
Most men are very simple in what they like to do what they require from you is Loyalty, Food and Sex basics if they get that they are content as you know woman are not that simple we require alot my emotion support to be able to be happy...

Now I'm learning not to let my husbands bad choices for himself effect me and how I'm living promoting fit for life lifestyles as I do but have to say it is frustrating to think that he prefers unhealthy food and things that ruin his health verses Healthy lifestyle choices that could make his life more Vital so it feels that I'm getting younger and hes getting older anyone else going through this ?

Now this is real honest talk today...So what I have decided and why I know I need the support from beach body so much is I need people like me to be accountable to outside of my family that's why I failed again and again before because I allowed my husband to sabotage my healthy lifestyle again and again so this time I'm not giving up on me no matter what and if he wants to continue his unhealthy lifestyle well its on him..see we can grow old and miserable or we can grow old feeling and looking fabulous..the reason I wanted to write this today is to let you know that whatever you must face in order to get healthy and Fit even if No one else in your family does it do it anyway because I promise when you look in the mirror your confidence and self esteem will be greatly affected by that..DO IT FOR YOU..

I have a friend that her husband does not want her to lose weight or workout because she is 10 years younger than him and he doesn't take care of himself so he doesn't want her to either for fear of her leaving him....

Stop worrying about everyone else and let them kill themselves if that's what they choose and start today new and Fresh doing a great workout program for you and eating Clean...This is why I'm so happy I set myself free from my husband and his bad choices and regained Me and it feels that makes my husband even more into me and the less you talk about and the more actions you show the better..BE YOUR BEST YOU DAILY and pray for the rest to fall into Gods perfect plan...And reap the rewards with your new amazing healthy beautiful Life...Amen
Peace and Love Always Ursula