Saturday, March 3, 2012

Design your Life the way you want

You have the right to follow your passion and figure out your purpose, If you haven't noticed we are all good at different things and thank God for that..Why not instead of fighting what your good at why not embrace it and allow more to would it be to be able to wake up daily and focus on all that you love and invite many to join this way of life instead of waking up daily hating what you do...

The greatest gift you can give yourself is to set yourself free to fly into a life and a purpose that's best for you, the way that God intended it to be in the first place how many of us take the time to allow are inner voice to be are guide instead of following someone Else's path why not find a quiet place and pray for are own guidance and strength..

Well I'm 42 and I'm finally learning how to follow my passion and purpose and to figure out what I'm good at and go with it..To many years of my life were wasted following other peoples Dreams and passions and now 40s for me are like the beginning of me... life rediscovery years for me..

I listened and try ed to fix everyone in my life for years alcoholics parents, grandparents and Husband that loves to drink as well, and now Its about Me... being the best me that I can create daily Loving my kids and giving them the healthy role model mom that they deserve that will instill great healthy values, and goals into there life. I strove to be the opposite of my family now its time to make the greater change for myself, and get my healthy life on track and bring many with me that's my passion I finally figured out what puts a smile on my face everyday, and its not ever going to come from another person it must come from you First..Too many years were wasted afraid to do what I love, because other people said I didn't need that... well guess what I'm finally getting Smart and I'm doing what I Love and feel the best I have ever felt in my life so either the people in my life will except all of me, or they will have to leave, because I'm not sacrificing ME any longer I'm doing Me all of me and Yes if I show Progress pictures of me in my sports bra or bikini and it offends any of YOU than rather than being a hater just delete me... I realize not everyone is into fitness and I realize" I'm over the top " I'm a ALL OR NOTHING GIRL,but I'm only getting started so if my personality is to BIG for You Unfriend me that's your right and I understand that's part of loving yourself...So for me I'm just getting started on this fit 4 life journey love me or hate me I'm here to stay..
Peace and Love Always Ursula

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