Sunday, April 1, 2012

Love and Gratitude

As I'm on Spring Break right now with my family my thoughts are flooding thinking about how truly amazing the simple pleasures of family life really are, and how much I continue to learn about myself and about them everyday..knowing that I'm extremely blessed and grateful to have my life daily its really not about how much money or how much stuff you have its about how much Love you give, and how much you get back by giving, and for me that fills my heart with joy daily being loved, and loving back is the Highest honor to me..

It gets you through the storms of life that come, and go, and it delights your heart daily in order to keep doing what you do..I know for me that love and gratitude gets me through it all and when you know how simple pleasures like love and gratitude will change your life you know that you have discovered the secret that everyone is doing there best to fill with running, and more stuff its not about the stuff ...its about the heart the soul the" peace that surpasses all understanding" and when you find that through God First you know your finally home to a peaceful loving place that only you can discover for yourself one else can give you this gift you must search for it deep within, and than you  begin to live in the freedom of pure joy, and simplicity..Sad to say some people live there whole life and never discover this they waste there life in pure misery and misery loves company...

Love and Joy and simple beautiful laughter, and hugging is all we need that is the true beauty of life the simple pleasures of family, and friends and laughter and peace knowing all you need is more love ..sounds simple right well than why is so many people running from it than when all you have to do is stop running from you, and start the inward freedom that we all deserve to have, and create daily ..I started this blog as a way of getting out my feelings and sharing my knowledge that I have learned over the years, and I pray that I can continue to inspire All of you to keep looking deep within you, and stop searching for things and people to make you happy it must be from you first than once you become whole you manifest freedom, and forgiveness first to you and than it becomes a ripple affect to others ..Go in peace and remember to celebrate your inner beauty as well as your outer beauty..strive to thrive in a world that is so busy, and high paced force yourself to slow down once and awhile and adore all that is already around you...Embrace Love and More Love will come... give and it shall be given to you... Love and Love will always come back in full circle...Be the light in this dark world that we all crave to have more of..
Peace and Love Always Ursula

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