Sunday, April 22, 2012

are you in love with your life

I'm in love with changing my life right now, and bringing all of you with me I went from a shy stay at home mom to a outgoing confident sexy woman, and that is AMAZING to me I could right a book about how crazy my life has been growing up with alcoholic parents and than being shipped to alcoholic grandparents in the summer it has made me stronger, this I know for sure and it did make me grow up to fast and become very responsible at a young age always taking care of them, so for that I don't drink much I love my sober exciting fabulous life that I keep creating everyday.. I'm always on a natural High.

I have changed myself thanks to beachbody now and discovering  my story does matter, and I'm loving assisting other woman, which is my passion in discovering a whole new way of life through better healthier lifestyle choices daily...That's my passion now not to dwell on the past but to make sure I'm a great role model to my kids and that they can always count on me being there to support them in there life choices, and to always remember it starts with me and my healthy lifestyle choices daily...

Years went by after having my children and I thought in order to be a great wife and Mother I must put everyone else first, because that's also what you learn when your a child of alcoholics, because your always trying to fix everything so that life will get better...I finally realized I was dieing slowly, and now thanks to my New life I have reclaimed me, and because I did that I'm taking all of you on Ursula s World to make sure I'm doing my part to educate as may people as I can into a brighter more beautiful healthy life Its not about how much money you have, or how much stuff you have its about digging deep within yourself and transforming your inside as well as your outside and learning by replacing old bad habits with healthy Great ones you begin to learn to love you more, and start making You a priority, which in turn makes your life Better and everything begins to become brighter each and everyday and then when you get your mind, body soul and spirit on the right track you will focus on your greatness more and start becoming more confident and Alive and you will set the healthy successful boundaries for your life, and everything becomes clearer and brighter all around so please comment and let me know if there is anything I can do to further  assist in your journey.... I have a thousand ideas in my head. Good Luck making You better each day.
Peace and Love Always, Ursula 

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