I'm learning so much every single day so much about myself and have started to explore my gifts and talents even more by allowing my inner voice to take the lead. I have developed a great routine for myself that really works wonderful, and I'm exploring Great possibilities for myself by doing so and as long as I continue to listen to my inner tour guide I do Great, its only if I ignore that inner tour guide that I find myself off course again, so Ive decided to continue to allow my inner voice to be the guide for the Best life for me, do you ever wonder how us fitness people have the ability to keep on Motivating and Inspiring daily..Its that voice inside are self are passion that will not let us give up, and its that passion that leads us to all of you daily to keep are light shinning bright for you all to see that if its working for us than maybe just maybe it will work for you..
than people like you go daily searching for someone to keep you Motivated, and accountable so that you can be a success story as well that's what this is we attract what we want in are life good or bad we get to decide like for me. I changed my life in my 40s because I found out through following other 40 year old ladies that it was possible for me to make the change for myself as well, and I allowed there stories to inspire me to get off the couch... you can hang around negative do nothing with there life people, or you can move past that and see more for you by watching how others are doing it, and you can jump on board as well and change every area of your life as well it always starts with you First now that I know this I apply it to my life daily with my fan page and my main face book page and through YouTube Videos, because I know its what I need daily so I keep praying that I can spark some interest in all of you as well to live you life with passion and zest and be a better, healthier, happier person because of it..
Life is a gift to be cherished daily... choose wisely who you allow in your close circle and always listen to the voice within to guide and lead you to a greater more abundant life daily, its up to you to find people to inspire you for more and than take the lead in your life and never look back keep going and keep growing your in charge of your own destiny so make it great daily..
Peace and Love, Ursula
than people like you go daily searching for someone to keep you Motivated, and accountable so that you can be a success story as well that's what this is we attract what we want in are life good or bad we get to decide like for me. I changed my life in my 40s because I found out through following other 40 year old ladies that it was possible for me to make the change for myself as well, and I allowed there stories to inspire me to get off the couch... you can hang around negative do nothing with there life people, or you can move past that and see more for you by watching how others are doing it, and you can jump on board as well and change every area of your life as well it always starts with you First now that I know this I apply it to my life daily with my fan page and my main face book page and through YouTube Videos, because I know its what I need daily so I keep praying that I can spark some interest in all of you as well to live you life with passion and zest and be a better, healthier, happier person because of it..
Life is a gift to be cherished daily... choose wisely who you allow in your close circle and always listen to the voice within to guide and lead you to a greater more abundant life daily, its up to you to find people to inspire you for more and than take the lead in your life and never look back keep going and keep growing your in charge of your own destiny so make it great daily..
Peace and Love, Ursula