Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Healthy successful Life starts With YOU

Christmas is almost Here, and I do believe this is the happiest, and best I have ever felt in my entire life...I was sitting here today thinking about my life and wondering why I feel so great and why I feel this year is the Best year I have ever had at Christmas time, and than I looked back at everything that has changed, and how I value me and my life more than I ever have before, because when you have something like your health scare that I had in June and have  a doctor tell you that you have cancer, and all you can think about is you have a husband, and three children depending on you, and you may leave them..that has to be the scariest time in my life that I have ever had....

So Now buy the Grace of god I'm still here, because of "early detection" and its almost to me Like a Gift like a redo of my second part of my life... like a Huge wake up call for me to do better because I know better now and I have this Huge gift I want to share with the world How truly blessed and wonderful this life can be if only we focus more on yourself instead of everyone else like I did for years we have the ability each, and everyone to transform all of yourself, before we can help and assist others we must put in the work it takes for ourselves...last year at Christmas I had been in beachbody for  four months, and was just discovering shakeology and workouts now I'm Loving life more not only because I got a second change but because I'm training my mind, body, soul and spirit daily for success, and by doing that first its affecting all areas of my life. my husband and I are the happiest we have ever been he notices the change in me, so it makes him work harder on us and my kids think its COOL to have a Fit Mom and there friends Notice, and we go to the mall now and people notice me more than they ever have, because I have a confidence and Fun spirit that Ive never had before almost like Ive been rediscovered, and amazed at whats happening to me so much so that I want to share this gift of true love for yourself, and than and only than can you love others unconditionally....Its amazing how wonderful this life is, and I really don't have a Glamorous life but in my mind and Spirit I do, so that's what keeps my heart filled with gratitude daily, and oozing with Love and Joy when you are fit and healthy you feel unstoppable and it reflects wherever you go, Like Your shining bright like a Light all the time....Thank God I'm Back and Stronger than ever so my life will be happy healthy fit, and fabulous and I intend to bring everyone with me through Love for change...Blessings and Love sent to all of You... I adore You  all ..Do You adore YOU ?
Peace and Love Always and Forever, Ursula

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