Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Get Excited to change You daily

Today I have to say I'm so excited you know how when you make a new goal, write it out plan it, and give it a time you want to achieve it..well are Bodies are not always on the time frame we set for them if we want to lose the weight and get fit we must do it healthy, and in Gods Time not are time..this is why so many people get frustrated, and Give up working out, because they get sore and they don't see the results as quick as they think they should see them so they get frustrated and Stop and it becomes a horrible cycle that keeps them Fat and Unhealthy...I know this first hand because before beachbody and Having accountability that's what I did over and over again Sabotaging myself with food and Stopping working out ..

Well because I started Beachbody a year ago Survived breast cancer, and did radiation all well getting back in shape NOTHING is going to stop me I have a passion, and Fire inside of me to not only continue to get myself in the best shape ever but to continue to show you how I'm doing it so there is no way you can fail if you follow Beach bodies plan... Drink a Once a day meal replacement daily and eat clean and workout at home to beachbody DVDs, and have ACCOUNTABILITY that's the Key..That's it its amazing I'm still amazed..I'm in the Building muscle stage now and I'm feeling on Fire Baby....

Who would of thought that I a Stay at home mom of three teens 42 years old would want rock hard six pack ABS but I do.... I want them more than you know and one day soon I will post my new Body for all to see, and than you will see that this Beachbody fitness program is not a hype its REAL and changing peoples life's any age all over the world so you see I'm excited every single day because no matter how long it takes to get in shape if you make it your lifestyle for life you will get there and stay there for life..... I Challenge you today to make the Most vital decision you have ever made for Yourself and Reclaim you and never ever give up on You again ....You deserve to be healthy Fit and Fabulous what are you waiting for lets GO ...
Peace and Love always sent your way, Ursula

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