Saturday, January 26, 2013

Self -Love

It seems simple enough hearing that word right? or maybe your saying what is it and how do I get it?
You are born a child of God amazing filled with Joy,  love, and no ego you just love, and you are love and than
something happens all your love for yourself becomes doing and being what is expected of you parents making you feel that love is earned by your actions expecting you to be what they want you to be, learning how it feels to have people treat you bad, and learning that instead of following your own love and acceptance of yourself that it somehow feels safer and easier just to allow others to guide you in the life they love for you, as you get hurt and life gets hard the more walls you build up and the more you forget the inner self love you had as a child...

what happens to the child like inner love you once had ? why have you put so many walls around yourself for protection? these are some of the questions you begin to ask yourself ...when one day you look in the mirror and realize everything you have done in your life has been for everyone else, and in the mean time you lost your joy your self love, and you became what everyone else wanted you to be and we wonder why we are overweight, and self sabotaging drowning are sorrows with prescription drugs, drugs, and alcohol just to make the pain of losing yourself go you go to the doctor and tell them you don't know whats wrong with you... Your sad lonely,  depressed , cant find Love, and feel the worst you ever have.  What does the doctor say "take this pill it will numb your feelings even more and than you can live a life with no LOVE No Emotions and No Pain" SAD that's why I'm writing about this..

You see I came from a very dysfunctional alcohol family 2 generations and I never had joy I became a codependent robot,low self esteem,  and never found true love inside myself or for others I had built up so many walls to protect myself ,and became a work alcoholic  with three jobs I ran from love or anything I could so I didn't have to take the risk of others disappointing me again...

this was my changing moment in time to break the generational curse for myself I went to a personal effectiveness training and let go of all the pain all the hurt and began self love again..Not saying it was easy its a daily thing that's when I started my journey of loving myself just as I was created and found people to compliment that love....If your will to do the work within yourself without any medication that's when you will begin to live a life you love and Love yourself First its worth it I promise so today I pray as you read this you felt it and you will begin your journey of self love and share it with other...Leran to listen to your inner voice that will guide you daily into self love and living with passion and purpose...
Love Ursula

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