Thursday, January 28, 2010


Good Morning,
Today I woke up feeling like love is in the air, as we approach closer to Valentines Day....I love Valentines Day, it is one of my favorite days, and I feel that we can learn alot about that day, a day to tell everyone how much we love them,with a gift, and kind words. I feel like if we did this everyday... How great would life be there would never be any harsh feeling, or words that you would have to regret saying. We do have the power to love unconditionally all year long.

In order to love someone else unconditionally, you must first love yourself. It starts with you first. If you do not love yourself you are not able to love anyone else. You cannot give something you don't have first. It starts with in yourself, once you get whole within yourself, and except yourself just as you are, with flaws and all, knowing that god made you great just as you are, and that there is no one else exactly like you, it is the greatest High in the world....How wonderful that you are perfectly fine just as you are. When you discover that.... miracles start to happen in your life, because you love yourself you allow yourself to love others just the way they are...and as I always say, it becomes a ripple affect with everyone around you. So you see we can all love and be Loved everyday, not just on Valentines Day. We can love that way, and give gifts all year long.

How great it is to love yourself just as you are, and having a twinkle in your eyes because of it. No matter what has happened in your life, even if your parents never told you they Love you. You have the power within yourself to change that. We can love are self's and be Loved Unconditionally....Open your heart today for change, and live the most wonderful life that you can possibly live, because after all that is what we all are looking for the kind of love that surpasses all other understanding. Its not a bigger house, nicer car, and more stuff to clutter are life....It is within yourself. So today, and forever live as if everyday is Valentines Day.

Peace and Love always, I love you all and thanks for reading what comes from my heart, Ursula

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Good Morning,
There has been alot of discusions lately about disciplining our children, and setting boundary's that work. In most marriages one of the partners is more lenient then the other, In my experience. These are the things you never think about when getting married...How are are parenting skills going to reflect our relationship, and are children? Most of the men tend to be very straight forward, and not patient, and most woman tend to be more patient, and listen more. I know its not always like this... I can only talk about the situations I know about in my life.

Think about how great it would be if we new how to parent perfectly, but unfortunately we are all just parenting either the way are parents did it, or trying to do better then they did. I feel in my heart as a parent we are all going to make mistakes on are parenting skills, and we just need to learn from them, and not be afraid to say when we fale, because we all will.
I think are greatest guide is to pray about it, and listen to our heart, because raising children is one of the hardest, and most rewarding things in our lifes.

There has been alot of discussions also about whether, or not we should be buddies with are children, and I feel like you need to keep a parent child relationship so that they respect you, but you also need to keep a good open communication with your kids as well, they need you even more as they become teenagers, and I want them to know that yes there are rules, and responsibilities,that have to be done daily, but that they have a mom that is supportive, and loves them no matter what even if they fall. The first minutes of them getting home from school are so important, that is the time that they tell you what is going on in there daily life's, and If you spend your whole time mad at them for little petty things, then I feel you are going to miss out on the very important moments that you cant get back. I want my teens to come home after school and not run the streets it is so important to realize that they need a safe happy home life. SO I feel like we need to be so careful that we don't get so rapped up in the little petty things, and if you take the time to listen to your kids... things have a way of working themselves out. We don't know what the future holds only God does...We just get to focus on one day at a time.

I'm not sure if this makes since to you today... so I would love to hear some comments, On kids and discipline. I think if you find something that is working with your kids do it, and when its not working if there is alot of sadness, and tension in your home change it. Only you know what goes on behind closed doors. I adore my three teenager's, and I intent to love them even through the trials of being a teen, and do my best to keep a healthy positive, safe home that they can always come home too. Its just like a marriage for better,or worse, in sickness, or health. We get to be are children advocate they need, us and they need to be able to know that we are always there for them, and that they can tell us anything.

Peace and Love. Go hug your kid today, and tell them you love them even if they didn't do everything you told them to do, Love Ursula

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Brightness even through the storm.

Good Morning,
Happy Tuesday..It has been raining alot here, so I find myself craving sun, and beautiful Days. I have been cleaning, and doing alot of baking to try, and keep my spirits lifted even through the rain. Sometimes through the winter it is a struggle to keep your spirit lifted through the storm. What helps me is thinking positive happy thoughts.... about the things that make me happy. I love music so I tend to turn music on that I love or talk to someone that has a positive outlook on life.
Figuring out what you love is essential to your well being, and taking care of yourself , your needs even through the rain , and cold weather are very important. If you are struggling with this... close your eyes, and do a visualization of things, places, and smells that make you happy. Watch a funny movie. Did you know that laughter is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself eternally.

Sometimes in the winter you really have to dig deep to stay peaceful, and joyful even when the days seem so dark and gloomy. Surround yourself with things through out your house that put a smile on your face. Focus on happy thoughts not bad thoughts... train your mind, body, soul, and spirit... to be happy even though some days things just seem to be harder. Make the best of your situation. For me like I said I have learned when it is cloudy, and rainy outside to use those days for cleaning, opening doors for fresh clean air. and baking wonderful healthy food . When you smell the scent of fresh rain, and wonderful food baking in your kitchen, and music playing in the background...How could you not be happy. The kids get home from School and they are always hungry, and they are instantly happy because the house is clean, and there is great food to snack on...So it becomes a ripple affect through out the whole family. So all of a sudden everyone is Happy, and you forget about the cloudy gloomy day that you could have let ruin your day. See how wonderful positive, Healthy Living can be. We just get to create it for ourselves. You have the power to create the most Abundant, Powerful, Positive, Happy life ever. I encourage you to start today.

Make today a day of Brightness even through the Storm, Peace and Love Always, Ursula

Monday, January 25, 2010


Good morning,
Today is a day to reflect on what kind of life you are willing to make for yourself. I am in ah of what we can do, and have.... if only we believe, and take the necessary steps to make it happen for ourselves. we have to create the life we want for ourselves, and focus on how we can get there and the steps we need to take to get there. I believe we can achieve all of our goals, and dreams one step at a time if we stay focused on truly what is important in our lives, and keep are priorities straight.
I encourage you to re valuate your life on a daily basis, and find out... our you living your life to the fullest, we all have different seasons in our lives different steps that we have to take, and many obstacles that we have to overcome, and achieve. When your raising children some days may not seem like you are living your life to the fullest, because you are giving so much to your children, that you may feel drained, and exhausted so during those times it is really important to remember to recharge your battery when ever you can. Take a long bath, read a good book, Exercising is a great stress reliever, and makes you feel wonderful, Or just Take a day for yourself...Whatever it is,that you need to do to take great care of yourself... do it.
Learning to take great care of yourself makes for a healthy well balanced life, and knowing that when you do have bad days... they to shall pass. Laugh as much as possible, and try not to take life so serious, and no that everything is a gift, and life is full of so many blessing if you believe you shall receive. Ask and it shall be givin. We have the power to create a wonderful magnificent life, and if your cup is empty... you have to refill it. You do not have anything to give if you are empty, and drained. So please take this day to re energize yourself so that you can have the greatest possible life that you deserve to have.
Peace and love always, Ursula

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Trials and Tribulations

Good Morning,
Life is full of many trials and tribulations. We can either grow from them or stay stuck. We have to learn to be strong even when we are going through things in life that we have no control of..Like job losses, things that happen,sickness, disease,earthquakes, or whatever comes are way.

The best thing we can do is remain strong even through the storm. We never know from day to day what kind of challenges or obstacles we may have to face. Life is full of trials and tribulations, but it is how we react to them that makes the difference. I have learned that freaking out is not the answer, We need to stay positive even when things are not going as we planned.

Today I want to encourage you to pray for the Haiti people, and just do what you can do, and live your life as it could be your last.
Peace, and Love Always,Ursula

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Kids

Good Morning my Wonderful friends,
I woke up this morning with such gratitude in my heart...I am so blessed to have the family I have, and I appreciate them more, and more even as they continue to grow, and get taller than me. My fifteen year old boy had a friend stay the night Sunday night, since there was no School on Monday, and my daughter thinks that his friend is cute so she has to make sure her hair is perfect when he is over, and then she follows him around staring at him...Great it is already happening little crushes, she is in Middle School, and the Boy is in High School... All I here is.. the High School boys are Hot.

Being a mom is challenging, and rewarding at the same time. I'm really working hard to celebrate all of there changes even puberty....Which takes alot of patients.My daughter, and I spend alot of quality time together, and I love that she still thinks mom is cool, and still wants to hang out with me, all three of my kids do. I am so grateful for that. I really try to be a open minded mom, and no matter what they tell me I try not to act too shocked. I want to be the one they come to for advice, and not be afraid to talk to me.

Take the opportunity if you have children to be a great role model, and a great listener, and stay connected to your children always, no matter what they do they have to learn from the choices they make, its all life lessons so allow them to be the person they are, and celebrate there own different personalities, and trust that they will make the right decisions for there life with all the guidance you have given them. My kids mean the world to me, and although I don't understand everything they do I just get to pray, and trust them.
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

make everyday a great day.

Good Morning.. my wonderful Friends,
Today is a great Day. I feel energized, and excited about this day great things are happening in my life..since I can write my own story of the life I want, and have a positive outlook on Life ...everyday is a great day. WE get to wake up with a smile, and create a day full of fun, and laughter.

I have so many blessings to be thankful for. Last year at this time my husband was layed off for six month, talk about hard times. But through it all we still stayed as positive as possible focusing on good family times, and it made us stronger, and more connected. It does not take alot of money to have a good life, it helps but its not everything. When you dig deep, and find out what is really important you find out that great connections with family, and friends are more important. emotional connections are so important. When you are going through hard times Its not the money that is going to keep you happy... it is the Unconditional Love with yourself, and your family, and friends that keep you happy. reaching out to people, and allowing others to connect with you even in difficult times. Stay focused on whats really important in your life.

Stay focused on your life, and slow down, and stop rushing from place to place trying to keep up with the materialism of a fast paced life, and appreciate what you already have. It does not take alot of money to stay happy. Some of the greatest times my family, and I have are the simple pajama days laying around talking, and playing games.

Create a life that is full of the important things that are going to last a life time. Be a cheerleader for your husband,and kids, and never be to busy for them. let them know daily how much they mean to you, and how much you love them. That is what is important...Not how much money you can spend, and the next shopping trip that is only a short term fix, that will never keep you satisfied.... Family first, and great communication is essential.Follow your passion and do what you love, and make a life that is fulfilling and wonderful today.
Love always, Ursula

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Daily Living

Good Morning,
Exercise is done, daily gratitude journal done, kids are at school, and now I'm with my wonderful friends talking to you..Which I love to do. Blogging is so much fun to do. It is so great to be able to write whatever is on your heart, and hopefully you all can relate in some way to things I share ,and talk about.

My goal at first In writing this Blog was to share with the people out there what it is like to be married with three children working from home. Sometimes I share stories on whats going on a day to day basis, and other times I just share whatever is on my heart....
on how to live the healthiest happiest life possible.

Life is full of many opportunities to reach out to people with positive love, and reinforcement.
We have a opportunity Daily to make a difference in our life's, and the people around us. I feel like we can make a difference just with a smile, and a great attitude.

I am very fortunate to be able to help people with my business, not only giving them great products... all natural and organic. Products that are safe, and great for you, Vitamins that give you great energy, and all the minerals you need, and access bars that actually turn fat into fuel so that your body is burning fat. I get to help people get healthy from the inside out. WE only have one life to live... so we can choose to live it well. Fiber is so important, and protein with carbs. Small portions 4 times a day 400 calories try it. Exercise everyday is so very important. Keep your health..You know the saying "Use it or lose it" When you eat right and exercise daily it make you feel amazing, and gives you so much energy. Age is just a number...Your only as old as you feel.

Today I encourage you to make healthy lifestyle changes for yourself eating right, exercising, and see if it makes a difference in your whole well being, and attitude you will feel amazing I promise you. make today a great Day, Love always, Ursula

Monday, January 11, 2010

Gratitude Journal

Good morning,
Today I want to talk about how important it is to have a grateful Heart, and to start your day focusing on everything your grateful for. Starting your day writing in a gratitude journal...I feel is the key to a happy successful life. In order to have what we want, we have to have a grateful Heart...So I thought I would write one, and show you how I do mine.

Gratitude Journal
I am so grateful for God in my life leading, and guiding me daily, helping me keep strong connections with family, and friends. I adore my husband he makes life great for me, and my kids. He fills my heart with so much love, and he accepts me just as I am... flaws and all. He is still into me, and wants to spend all of his time with me. I am so grateful that we are best friends, and lovers. He makes my life happy, and joyful. I am so grateful for each of my children, and I celebrate there different personalities, and there great qualities. I am so very grateful for are health and that we are all very fit and healthy. I am so grateful that I am able to work from home and put myself, and my family first. I have peace that surpasses all understanding. I have a great support system, and lots of love all around me with great family, and great friends. Life is great, and all my needs are met today.

So this gives you an idea of things that you could write about. When you start your day focusing on all the positive in your life. Your life becomes the life you want, and desire it to be. We get to create the life we want. If you find it hard to write positive things in your life, because you may be going through some hard times than write out everything that your grateful for anyway, and see how your life will start changing...You write how you want your life to be. Say I am blessed when I wake up, and I am blessed when I go to bed...Your life can be abundant in all areas.

Start today writing in a gratitude journal...and watch your life change for the always, Ursula

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Good Morning Friends,
Today its finally starting to feel normal having my kids back to School, and working a normal schedule. for the first couple of days it was hard to get use to the house so quiet. Now I'm loving it. To be able to think without any interruptions. I adore morning quiet time it is a time for me to write in my journal, exercise, and plan the best day possible. I feel very lucky to have this time with myself to stay grounded, and focused on whats truly important in my life.

When we allow things to happen without forcing things to happen...magic happens. I am allowing my Business to grow this year, and I'm working on keeping great connections with the people close in my life. Learning everyday how to have the greatest life possible, and allowing positive flow in my life, and the people around me.

I make a commitment everyday to walk in faith, we all have been anointed inside of us to do, and be great. We all have talents, and gifts that have been given to us from birth...We just have to find out what they are and allow ourselves permission to go for it, and use them to there full potential.

It takes work everyday to live your life with Faith and Love...The outcome is worth it. I can honestly tell you if you allow yourself some quiet time, and listen to the still quiet voice inside of you. You will be guided to wonderful gifts inside of yourself that you didn't even no you have, or can do. Walking in faith requires stepping out of your comfort zone, and doing things you may not understand now, We do not know the future, we just get to trust daily, that we are listening to the voice of wisdom, and allowing things to manifest through us, we are the vessel...which if we allow can be used for Victory in your life's, and other life's. So allow today to listen to the voice inside of you to guide, and lead you into this magical life that we can all have.

Peace and Blessing to you all, Love Ursula

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Happy New Year,
I would have to say that this has got to be my favorite month. Christmas is over, and it is a New and wonderful Year. I time to start new and fresh. to slow down a Little after the hype of the holidays, and just Be.

I feel like now I can just enjoy getting back into the things that are really important, cherishing every moment with myself, husband, kids,and friends. Life can be powerful ,wonderful , exciting, and fabulous... We just have to find the Joy within ourselves, and bring it out for the world to see.

Everyday we have a choice "What to eat , what to wear. Whether we want to exercise, whether we are in a good mood or bad... We have the power to make these decisions for ourselves we make these decisions for ourselves, and then we guide and lead our children through are actions, and way of being. Why would we make bad decisions for our self if we loved ourselves, why would we spend our time stressed out, why would we put everyone else first.... Ask yourself these questions, and whatever it is that is not making your life the very best it can be.... change it today.

Have you ever been around someone that is always telling you there problems, and you listen you give them advice, and then they never do anything about it they just keep having there pity party...Well only you have the power to own your power, and make a positive change it starts with you, and then it becomes a ripple effect throughout your family.

I encourage us all to look deep within your heart, and be courageous, and powerful, and be the person that is going to take great care of there self, and make a difference in this world just because you can, and will be the greatest person that you deserve to be.....Always remember it starts with you first. Get your plan of action in motion today, and make the changes you need to make today to have the best life possible, Love always, Ursula