Wednesday, August 31, 2011

be grateful and enjoy you and stop running from you

Morning Beautiful friends,
Everyday I wake up more and more Grateful My treatments are almost over and I'm still alive and have so much to live for, and feeling blessed, and more positive every single day because I have a second chance to make my life even more Beautiful, and more loving and positive because I can....

I'm so very grateful for finding Beachbody on facebook and allowing the beachbody friends into my life daily to teach me that I was already inspiring people through this Blog, but now I can also inspire others through Fitness and motivation and accountability daily...Something amazing is happening to my soul and spirit daily because I allow myself quiet peaceful time more so even now since my kids are back in school to continue to listen to the still small voice inside myself as a guide a tour guide for the right life for me, and because of this I am Living the life of my Dreams and get to share and bring many with me...

As I go through my day as a stay at home mom I get to choose my to do list daily sometimes it changes but mostly I get to write it out everyday do you know how blessed I feel because I DO THIS....
I put myself right at the TOP of the List daily and because I do this I am blessed more so than ever before I'm truly transforming my body and my healthy lifestyle daily and bringing many people on my journey which I never ever thought I would Do...But If I can assist in anyway to inspire and motivate that's what us Coaches do we stay positive and share are journey and pictures with all of you in hopes and prayers that you to can see if we can do it at any age and are getting results and becoming the product of the product than so can you....I believe if you put your heart and soul into something you will create a great amazing healthy positive lifestyle and you have to stay motivated and have amazing people to be accountable too ...

whatever you want you can, and will create as long as you focus on it daily you can create be your number one cheerleader, and write yourself at the top of your to do list and create a better greater you daily and share your journey as to keep being accountable and Alive and make yourself top priority the days of old school living for moms to put everyone else before them are over...."SELFISH EQUALS SELF CARE"....Never ever forget that..So for me I take my kids to School, and workout first thing in the morning in my Home Gym, And that sets the tone for the greatest day ever... I'm telling you thats my secret to keeping myself positive, fit and ALIVE truly Alive, and feeling greater each and everyday... through it, and endorphins are a natural happy drug that we get to create by loving our self enough to take great care of the inside as well as the remember and make this world a healthier happier place because you are doing great things for yourself....Start living a life you love and loving your Life because of it...

Peace and Love Always Ursula

Monday, August 29, 2011


Good Morning beautiful Friends,
Oh yeah I'm in week Five of my Radiation treatments I'm almost done 1 week 1/2 left after this week do you know how great that even fills to say that ...I'm almost done I so far so good the radiation has  only sunburned my left breast no peeling or to much pain for me to handle yet ...I  will survive and Oh yeah I got to keep it and I'm Cancer Free Lucky I am to be Alive, and strong and healthy as I am...

So as soon as my last week is Done I'm planning a big night out on the town dressing up and seeing a Comedy show with all my friends so excited and than I'm coming back stronger than ever as a Beachbody coach Transforming myself from the inside out Yet again and feeling so very Lucky and Grateful even more that I found my Cancer early and its all gone and I will be taking Pills to make sure it stays away from any other part of my Body so YEAH I feel like I do get a second chance at Life and I feel extremely Happy and Confident that I can make my life even more amazing than It was before and Believe me when I say I will not waste one single moment negative I'm planning on Always living a Life of Love and Joy and sharing all my secrets of Gratitude with all...

Live as it could be my last day means even more to me now than you can ever Imagine and I'm lucky enough to have an incredible family to share it with and amazing friends that lift my spirits everyday as well....I am Blessed and I truly will and do remember this time in my life as a guide.... always remember how amazing it feels to truly be Alive from the inside out....Dreams do come true, and prayers and blessings are always there to lift us up Higher than the Day before so always believe in miracles and more Abundance in all areas of your life will keep coming for you and everyone you surround yourself with...Blessing to another week of Clarity and Strength and Praying for amazing energy to get me Through...
Peace and Love Always Ursula

Saturday, August 27, 2011

No matter what happens to you walk in LOve Always

Good Morning Beautiful friends,
I'm so blessed and lucky to have this out lit of writing out my feelings and sharing them with the world it not only makes me feel better I pray its Impacting your life's as well in a positive way knowing that at anytime in our life things can change in a blink of an eye..Cancer is a Demon that can attack anyone at anytime, and it is one of the scariest things Ive seen ...I believed that as long as I ate great and exercised that I would be fine and that this would not happen to me nobody wants to ever here the words Cancer and yet its happening everyday to so many people...

I go into the cancer center and not everyone there has been blessed as I have been so many stories I hear everyday and so many prayers I say I take my time while I'm in treatment while I'm laying down to say so many prayers for all the hurting people. I caught mine so early and everything has went great for me and yet some people have to do chemo and Radiation and still are going to Die there is a man there that is touching my heart he comes in so positive everyday with a smile he has brain cancer and will Die even after treatments its just a matter of time and he has a wife and two small children and he still smiles yesterday he raised his hat and said its happening my hair is falling out and still smiled and laughed and joked with me....How do people get this kind of strength to keep on keeping on...It could only be from God..

So many people have no health problems at all and are far more negative and bitter in the world than I have seen at the Cancer center these people are fighting for there life and still smiling I'm amazed by this and I'm doing everything I can to keep a positive outlook on my life as well..I'm learning so much daily about the simple pleasures of life like having energy spending time with my kids, all the most important things in life are friends,family and Love unconditional Love..

I'm writing about this today because it not only helps me to keep it simple and real but I want you all to learn to slow down a little life goes by fast real fast and for some they don't get to choose when cancer takes over and I want you to forgive everyone set yourself free today and learn to laugh from the inside out daily, love unconditionally and hug longer and do not waist any energy being mad or yelling or spending time being negative ever again, and if you have to keep these cancer patients in your head than do whatever it takes to stay in Peace and love with all your heart and all your soul and keep spreading love and positive energy, and blessings will and do come your way the more you give the  more you receive and it becomes a ripple effect in every area in your life...Be a blessing and blessings do and will come and just as you feel like you can not do yet one more day this way you can and will and what I have found is because I am a positive light force daily the days I feel to weak to be. I stay still and quiet and pray and others continue to lift me up....Be blessed angels and yes you all are Angels you just get to act like one daily its a choice....
Peace and Love Always Ursula

Thursday, August 25, 2011

we have to take the Good with the Bad in order to survive

Good Morning Beautiful Friends,
I debated whether or not to even write my Blog today or not because of how I feel wish I could say I feel amazing but that would not be the truth I think whats great about writing this Blog is you get the real me the good the bad, and the ugly days, which we all never ever want to have...Today is Thursday and I'm in week four of my radiation and I'm feeling the Fatigue big time it is like having to pull around an anchor all the time I also am working on great abs this month so I have been pushing myself to keep up with my fitness level in addition to being a full time mom of three Teens that always have something going on and married to a man that is old school and wants his dinner right when he gets home at 5:00pm...

Also trying to keep up inspiring on here for my business and keeping my friendships Alive in the process so I have been getting up writing my blog inspiring, going down in my home Gym working out taking a shower resting and Making my Shakeology meal replacement on the way to my doctors appointment Monday through Friday and Drinking a 5 hour energy drink after the Doctors appointment to get through the back to school shopping trips and now its the Fair this week so I'm feeling the effects Big Time today. Tomorrow week Four will be over and now I have a sunburned left breast and cream that has silver in it the best burn cream you can get....that turns my nipple silver what a lovely site I know...

Feels like my family does not understand that my life is changing and I'm feeling so tired and yet they still think and expect me to be all and do all...its frustrating but yet I know I'm almost done with treatment and this to shall pass, and I will feel good and healthy yet once again...whatever we go through in life make sure you use it as a opportunity to reevaluate your life and start Living for you and loving yourself enough to take care of you...even if you have to say no to everything to survive do it..
be blessed and learn to love yourself even when you feel unlovable at times ...
Peace and Love always, Ursula

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Beautiful Days you get to CReate Daily

Good Morning Beautiful Friends,
Another Great day to be grateful for and thankful for as I look around each day at what I'm blessed with amazing inspiring people all around and great health and blessings I receive daily... how could I not focus on the gifts, and gratitude I feel everyday and as I go about my day yes tired more now do to treatment I still feel extremely blessed to be me. the more you learn to focus on gratitude the greater life becomes..everything just seems brighter each day and you began to create more greatness all around you what you focus on daily is what you attract more of in your life....

I use to walk around scared to step out of my comfort zone and every new challenge was scary but now since I'm a survivor nothing scares me anymore because I'm truly grateful to be alive and me , and there is no one in the world like me with my gifts and talents and I believe there is no stopping me now watch out world here I come...

We get this one life to live and one life to live to the fullest, or settle for second best you get to choose daily what you will focus on and what you will create will you live it the same old boring way or will you step out and try new things and live as if it could be your last day.... laughing more, hugging longer, and kissing as much as possible and not wasting your words make sure you end your conversations with I LOVE YOU don't hold back those amazing words that we all deserve to hear if you feel it say it... stop waisting moments start cherishing the ones you Love more daily and see if you just might get happier because of it...

I have learned more so than ever before this year alone that I am the luckiest woman alive because I am Alive and so therefore I intend to keep inspiring and keep Loving and keep cherishing every single moment I have left and if I feel It I will say it whether or not its reciprocated or not does not matter I will not let that stop me any longer, and yes for as long as I have life I will preach fitness and health because I Love it and I love how Young and energetic it makes me feel.

So bottom line Be YOU embrace all of you the good the bad the ugly flaws and all and create and transform you from the inside out daily soul, spirit and mind....Beautiful happy days sent to you remember its a daily choice you get to choose I pray you will stop waisting your life worrying and start living a life you LOVE....Join me
Peace and Love always, Ursula

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

stop looking at someone else and wishing you had there body

Good Morning Beautiful Friends,
I got an idea about what to write about today talking to so many people about fitness as I do everyday I'm realizing that everyone is wanting or wishing they had a different body or staring at girls in the magazines and wishing they could be that little and it reminded me how I felt as a teen I was stick thin and I could eat whatever I wanted like my kids now, but I never thought I was thin enough as teens do so my friends and I would take diet pills and do crazy things, and I always thought other peoples bodies were greater than mine....

I was very tall and thin and had Boobs and a Big round booty like Jennifer Lopez and my best friend had no booty and I always thought that men liked that better since she always had a boyfriend and I was to shy to have one till I got older and learn liquid courage....Beer worked every time, that must be why teens drink because somehow it gives you confidence and courage at that age to talk, or at least did for me...

Than I realized that  I could be confident in me without alcohol, and I learned to love myself just as I am and except the body I had because after all we must love ourselves as we are because this Body is all we get and than of course having kids changed my little skinny body made my hips bigger and everything else bigger so You have to learn than as a Mom to except your new MOM body and still workout and sculpt it the best that it can be and except your new bigger Boobs and Butt at least that's what happened to me now we all have different body types and have to learn to accept all of us flaws, stretchmarks, everything and make it the best we can by working on the inside out daily...

This is why I write these blogs to get out whats on my heart to to assist you all in seeing maybe a brighter healthier You that you can and will become...I'M learning now after all these years that I love ,my body curves and all and I can workout hard and eat healthy but I will always have Big boobs and a Big Butt that's just I work really hard on my abs to get my small waist line back and Tighten up the Butt and legs and make my hips look smaller by doing the great Brazilian Butt lift DVDs this is why I love being a beachbody coach because you start at any age as a Coach and any body style and you focus on these great Beachbody DVDs and sculpt the best body for your Body type its like magic and I love motivating people like you to join me..Because we all want to look and feel are best at any age and be comfortable at any age and Defy are age for as long as we can.....Be proud of You and stop hiding and you do not have to be perfect to wear a swim suit as you see with me the close got smaller the more I worked out because after all you tired of hiding your body and why should you if your putting in the hard work inspire others to join you as I am...

So bottom line embrace you all of you and celebrate You by putting yourself at the top of your daily to do list and make your amazing Body the best it can be and feel lucky that no one else has your Body and can design it as you can...make it a great challenge everyday to start living a life you Love from the inside out and watch and see how great and Confident you feel....Stop wasting your energy on wishing you had someone Else's Body and create and transform the greatest YOU...

Peace and Love Always , Ursula

Monday, August 22, 2011

You can not be stopped unless you stop yourself

Good Morning Beautiful friends,
woke up feeling so much gratitude and Love to be surrounded by so much positive Love, and energy on a daily basis is such a blessing, and no wonder I'm sailing through my Radiation treatments...Ive got counselors, accountants, teachers, therapists you name it for friends that surround me and shower me with Love even DJ,S....Blessed I am to get to start each day with all of you so a big shout out to all of you amazing supportive Loving friends from all over the world.... to you I say a praise....

So week four started today of more Radiation and I'm feeling stronger, and more positive than ever that I can and will do all this treatments successfully and my body is free from Cancer, and I'm stronger and more happy to be alive than ever, and I intend to make a difference in not only my life through breast cancer awareness but in so many others.... Knowledge is power...

I had the greatest time on are boat this weekend we Finally in August got our Boat on the beautiful Columbia River and Yes I drive my family crazy with all the pictures I take but memories for life because I do this and I'm not sure how many Boat trips they will want to go on with us the older they get and the busier they get so for me its the greatest reward to see my kids loving life and enjoying our Boat trips together we intend now to take the Boat out every weekend now into it gets to cold...Great way to spend time with your kids and no they do

I'm gonna work even harder now that August is almost over we still have this great AB challenge going on that my Coach started of course she has perfect ABS already but for us its a great reminder to stay focused on the prize I'm proof that if you work hard enough on anything you can do it no matter whats going on in your life even if they are burning your Boob everyday whatever it is stay focused and lets do this together so for me radiation makes me tired so I have to work even harder and rest more and make sure I'm doing Clean eating so come aboard this positive healthy train and lets Defy age for as long as we can "Change your Body Change your Life " Lets Do this together we are stronger than one and more accountable and HEY you get to make money along the way so get with me today let me show you how.....
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

Thursday, August 18, 2011

when the tough get TIRED

Good Morning Beautiful friends,
all I can say is OMG.... I feel so tired this is the side effects from radiation but I must stay strong and remember to fight for my life more so than ever before...I look fine on the outside and am good at putting on a happy face but inside I feel they are frying all my good healthy cells as well not to mention frying my boob five days a week....

When you are a person as I am that has been working so hard on becoming healthy,  energetic and to now feeling like the energy is sucked out of me, and it seems that lately my favorite word to my kids is NO..I never new that word before I always wanted to do everything I could for them to make there life's amazing and now just going shopping school shopping makes me tired...

This confirms to me why I must keep fighting and keep educating on healthy living because when you feel GREAT and than go from GREAT to this feeling which some people feel everyday this feeling of sleeping 10 hour and still wake up Tired is not cool and is a fight for me right know the difference is harder than if I felt this before...

So because I am a beachbody coach...I know that I can and will get my energy and strength back keeps me focused on the end of treatment SEPTEMBER 14.... I intend to throw a ALIVE energetic Party for surviving cancer and radiation and never ever will I take for granted how blessed and Lucky I am to be here even through these dark gloomy days ahead... I will fight because I can and I have such a great amazing Life to fight for...And the most amazing family and friends, I could of ever hoped for...So this is why I get up everyday and still workout even when 10 Min's feels like its gonna kill me. I will keep fighting because I am blessed beyond what I could ever dreamed of being.....And All my needs are met...which is huge I don't worry about anything except getting through each day ....

stay positive and loving even through the difficult storms of life that could easily bring you down and give you a give up attitude don't buy into that....Keep your faith and know "that this too shall pass" and you are going to be stronger and braver than you ever thought you could be...THIS IS WHAT I TELL MYSELF DAILY TO GET ME THROUGH...and focus on gratitude rather than the negative and writing this BLOG is saving my life...thanks for listen I adore u all...
peace and Love Always, Ursula

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Trials of Life

Good Morning Beautiful friends,
have to say this is week three of my radiation on my left breast and I'm feeling the effects from it big time as all of you know I'm a high energy getting myself back in shape mom of a son that is going into Junior  High School, son gonna be a freshman and a daughter that will be a eighth grader...I went from being like them with tons of energy from my workouts and shakeology...Two now week three of Radiation for my left breast..Side effects sunburned breast and Fatigue...the only way I can describe it is its like I'm having to pull around an anchor.....Exhausting...

So here I am use to being able to get up inspire the world through blogs and posts, workout do workout videos and, shower get ready clean house run all over with my kids, Make a healthy dinner spend time with my husband and still be fine till bed time...Now the smallest things make me exhausted during this five days a week treatment and I'm finding I'm not as patient and Loving...which is sad..

So three in a half more weeks I'm praying that I can just learn to be still as much as I can and not worry about anyone else just take care of myself during this time and know that thank God this to shall pass and after the treatment with Gods Grace I will be healthy and back to my energetic patient self..and in the mean time I must rest often and keep myself calm as much as I can to get through this...

No matter how bumpy the road gets or how many detours it takes to get there never ever give up on YOU ..because eventually with determination and Goals you will get there some way some how and its not always your timing its Gods perfect timing always and hes never early but hes never to late hes right on time always..So rest in his love and Peace and you will get through and be a stronger person because of it...
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

Monday, August 15, 2011

YOu must be at the top of your to do list daily

Good morning beautiful friends,
Today I really want to talk about whats on my heart as I always do on this blog I start typing and I feel God starts writing I don't think about what I'm gonna write about it just flows out of me like a water fountain it is pretty amazing...This is why I Love to write so much ...its healing for my soul to get this out, and I pray that I'm helping so many people by sharing my honest feelings with all ...Sometimes the most dangerous thing you can do is keep your feelings, and thought all bottled up and never release them....this can and will make you sick..I came from a very abusive alcoholic family that always shared everything very vocal well of course that's not the vocal way I'm talking about screaming and cursing is not what I'm talking about...

I'm talking about in order to live a healthy vital beautiful life you must take a look at your life daily and evaluate your life and see if your like a Robot doing all for everyone else trying to put on a happy face daily to please all...Which by the way most woman do as wife's and moms forgetting themselves and taking on all the responsibilities and saying to themselves that there is no time for me because they get so wrapped up in everyone else they forget them ..So they wonder why there not happy they put on a happy face and pretend that all is well and feel its there duty as a wife and mom to keep up the situation until one day they either blow up or get sick because they forgot number ONE which is them...So I believe this has happened to me and will continue If I do not keep reminding myself of this daily...So this is why I love Beachbody so much is because It keeps me focused and accountable daily as to not get stuck back in that bad rut of doing all for everyone and forgetting ME...

I'm here to educate all about healthy happy positive living, and you can not nor will ever be able to do this unless you take a look in the mirror and start loving yourself just as you are unconditionally flaws and all and realize YOUR WORTH SWEATING FOR..take the time for you daily, prayer, meditation, workouts, and healthy eating and remember what it was like when it was only You there was none else to be responsible for and the more you do this daily the happier healthier you will be...Its not up to someone else to make you happy its up to you to make yourself happy...When you start living for you daily you will be happy naturally without having to fake it, because people can see right through your flakiness...All I have to do is look at someone and here how many excuses as to why they cant workout to see how sad and lonely they are and feel...The feeling of unworthiness and being and allowing yourself to be treated as a doormat will KILL I pray I am helping many people out there see this today that you deserve to be at the top of your to do list daily "Selfish equals Self care" So start today and look at yourself naked and vulnerable in the mirror ....Ask yourself DO you like what you see? If you don't contact me right away lets do this together with great accountability.....IT STARTS WITH YOU...
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

Friday, August 12, 2011

Fight through bad emotions to get back to great living

Good morning beautiful Friends,
OK I'm on week two of my radiation and I have to say I feel the effects big time today after being slammed with radiation for two weeks straight now..My breast is sunburned and Aloha Vera is my best friend, and I hate my husband so it must be effecting my emotions too...So now I have the weekend coming up to heal my thoughts, and body and do my best to keep positive loving thoughts...

So I pray we are still married after the treatments who knows...So right now I'm gravitating to my positive friends in hopes and prayers that it will snap me out of these bad feelings I'm having because right now it feels like I'm pulling an anchor and nobody cares that I'm feeling this way..

So I'm writing this in hopes that if anyone out there is struggling as I am Today that this too shall pass and when you feel like your going in a dark tunnel and you cant get out...Keep going because eventually you will get to the light at the end of the tunnel...Keep the faith and surround yourself with positive loving people and you will get through just as I will even though it feels so dark right now..

You cant expect anyone else to understand how your feeling especially your spouse they have know clue my husband only knows the positive energetic side of me as seems that's the only side he wants, so do what you need to do to love yourself during hard times and forget about people that are negative and try and bring you down, and pray for strength and guidance in the midst of your storm...

Yes I'm still working out even though its a little harder now I know how import it is and if I continue I will soon be over my treatments and back to my healthy energetic self once again....I'm sharing my story to let you all know how anything in life can and will resolve itself and while your struggling you find out the ones that truly Love you unconditionally for you and your soul and nothing else...

Peace and Love always this too shall pass, Ursula

Thursday, August 11, 2011

lift up people with your words

Good Morning Beautiful Friends,
I never ever thought I would like something as much as I like blogging for some reason it has become therapy to me. yesterday I did not write my blog and I felt more irritable I'm really fighting with my emotions in the evening more so than ever before and I'M not sure if its the radiation making me tired or what, so I feel I need to continue to share on these blogs in order to clear my thoughts and stay peaceful throughout the day...Why this helps I'M not sure but it feels like a safe place to share..If you talk about your feelings with your husband all you want them to do is listen, and be loving and understanding, but I'm not sure about your situation but my husband only here's complaining and whats to fix it his way which sometimes makes things worse and more complicated....

Just because your married there are certain things I feel you should not share with them I think its vital to have caring and loving friends to share with because they do not live with you and they will not take the things you say personally...Living with a spouse and sharing what you do and everything you are is and can be the most difficult thing, and also can be the most rewarding thing...I'm learning daily what I need to nourish my soul,  heart, and its not always with your spouse its by yourself in your quiet times like now and than I'm also learning once I get my feelings out by writing I need to pray and let it go, and watch my words and thoughts carefully throughout the day, because anytime your going through change its so easy to get mad at the ones you love, because they are the safest people in your life...Its not fair to them to do this and will eventually tear you apart so you must find other ways of solving your sadness, and grieving, and for me its my blog, beachbody DVDs and shakeology, and great friends... that help balance my thoughts, and mind, and when I get to tired and over do that's when I get frustrated so you must learn your body, and your limits as to keep peace in your Home and life..

when you screw up with your words and tear another person down in order to make yourself feel better that is never a good thing..Learning patients and Love through the hard times is the hardest thing to learn but the most valuable...sometimes when you have been married so long its so easy to take the other person for granted, and just assume they will always be there and always love you.but in order for that to happen you must invest yourself daily fresh and new and be spontaneous and loving even when you feel you cant... you must if you want it to work..sometimes people feel its easier to walk away from the pain of it rather than put in the work it takes daily to create unity and love...

Why do you think there are so many divorces because people always think the grass is greener somewhere else, but how could it be, because whatever relationship your in it will always take daily maintenance to keep it alive fresh and new no matter who your with you are the one that determines your destiny by the choices and words you use daily and how you make other people feel..Do you live your life tearing other people down because of your own insecurities or do you love yourself enough to lift others up as you deserve to be lifted up yourself to a higher level of Love and when you do make mistakes with your words be the first to apologize, and forgive and don't hold resentment for it will destroy you...Love with all your heart and soul and don't hold back your thoughts and feelings of Love one more single day, because after all we never know if we will get blessed enough to see one more hug the ones you love, and share sweet words of Love daily and stop killing and destroying with your tongue, and start lifting up and brighten peoples day ....LIVE A LIFE YOU LOVE AND LOVE THE LIFE YOU LIVE DAILY....
peace and love always, Ursula

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Good Morning Beautiful friends,
You never know how strong you really are until you go through trials and tribulations in your life...It has a way of either breaking your spirit to fix you or putting you lower if you allow it too...MIND OVER MATTER...

I'M discovering going through radiation treatments that I'm stronger than I ever thought I was as they continue to sunburn my left breast, and it gets Sore I am focusing on the fact that I caught it so early and how lucky I am to be alive and hearing the stories I here daily at the cancer center I'm realizing how truly blessed I am..I have always known how blessed and Lucky I am but now I see life so much clearer, and so much more grateful for every single day I get to have..The little things that use to bother me don't seem to matter at all because what matters most is that I'M here and I get to share my Love and story with all in hopes and prayers that I can make a difference in someone Else's life to see the positive rather than the negative...

WE have to learn to stop the pity parties, and creating misery and pain and trick our mind for healthy happy that's why I say I'm going to tan everyday instead of Radiation..I Go in there with a smile and LIGHT up the place as people in there are suffering so...I'm challenging myself to reach out to as many people as I can there and making there life a little brighter than it was before..Its not about me I'm fine so I'm getting treatments that I don't like so what if it saves my life than its all worth it ALOHA VERA IS MY BEST FRIEND RIGHT NOW...

I encourage myself and you everyday to step out of yourself and your selfish UN patient ways and allow yourself into someone Else's life in order to make a positive difference...who knows you just may get blessed because of it....Give without ever expecting anything in return and Love like you may never love again..Hug longer, kiss deeper,  longer and wake up everyday with new gratitude and zest for LIFE..who knows  you may just get changed to a happier healthy person if you ALLOW more LOVE in your life... Be blessed and stay ALIVE FULL OF PASSION...
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

Friday, August 5, 2011

Stop feeling sorry for yourself and start living

Good Morning beautiful Friends,
Another wonderful day to be grateful for I have to say yes thank God for Fridays I'm in day 5 of my Radiation treatments and have to say I'm really looking forward to this weekend off from radiation as my left  breast needs a break its looking a little sunburned...TO much tanning I
I'm doing my best to look at the bright side of this treatment but have to say I have had a few low days..and the pills I have to take to keep cancer from coming back somewhere else in my body are not fun.. Hot flashes and hard time breathing sometimes either from radiation or pills not sure but despite all of this I'm going through I still have 29 more treatments, and us beachbody coaches are challenging are Abs more so than ever for the month of August...

It helps me get through tough times if I have some kind of challenge or motivation to focus I'm training harder than ever even  through Hot flashes, and shortness of breath yesterday I did a new 10 min workout and I was sweating and shortness of breath thought I might die before it was over...LOL
and moods can get low during this time so its taking everything I got to stay my upbeat positive self..I'm remembering this to shall pass, and Because I'm doing the radiation the cancer will not come back so I must endure and stay focused on a happy healthy positive life and focus on gratitude daily...

Life is what it is, and we never know what will happen to us so Ive been also challenging myself to live as it could be my last day doing new things Ive never done before and challenging myself more daily reaching new limits, and heights and training harder on my workouts. I get to create a life I love daily no one else will do it for me.... I get to put in the hard work even with a sunburned Breast...It is what it is and I'm on my way to recovering, and being stronger than I was before because of it...
Hug longer, laugh deeper and smile  more, and love like you may never be able to love again and anytime your feeling sorry for yourself remember your still breathing, and your still alive and as long as you still have breath there is more work for you to do here and life's to be changed because your stop feeling sorry for yourself and start today living a life you love and sharing it with all...
peace and love always, Ursula

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Good morning Beautiful Friends,
I'M so very Grateful today ... doing what I love, and Loving what I do...How many of us can say that we love what we do ?
I'm grateful that I can there were many years that I could of not said that...I choose to create a Life I love everyday and make my dreams a reality without being concerned about what anyone would think or feel about it....You get to only be concerned with whats right for you, and the peace is your guide...Do you wake up excited for yet another day doing what you Love, and sharing with the world? Or do you wake up with anger and frustration for yet another day you Hate?

I believe we all have the ability to live out are Dreams and discover our true passion it starts by allowing, being open to discover your gifts and talents....ARE you doing what you Love and following your dreams or are you just a follower doing whats expected of you because your fear takes over and your afraid to get out of your comfort zone?

How many of us live are life's for someone else only to feel frustrated, and angry because of it, when was the last time you did something for you.. Something new something fresh,something you have never done before? How would it be to live your life like it could be your last day with no Regrets only passion,  peace,  laughing, and loving your way through it...Boring people are Bored...

How your life is going right now and how you feel about yourself right now is a great way to evaluate if your living a life you love...and if your not how do you change it..You dig deep and start following the prince of Peace that lives inside of you, and remember the simple pleasures of life..Its not more money and material things of this world that will make you the happiest its...YOUR inner peace ..From fasting, praying, loving and sharing...That's what gets you through... the slow times are what feels your spirit up not the fast pace lifestyles... the slow peaceful praying times fills you up and in turn gives you your purpose and direction...My time for that is early in the morning when the house is quiet and peaceful that's my time to be still, and allow my cup to get full of Gods Grace and than share it with the world...

I want to encourage you today to find some quiet time through out the day, and allow yourself to be still.... no talking and close your eyes and allow Gods grace and peace to fill your spirit up and ask for your purpose and direction in this world and allow his will to take over your life and I promise if you do this.... YOU will live a life you love, and when you look and talk to people your eyes will sparkle with so much love, and acceptance, and than keep doing new fresh exciting things daily to light up your soul, and make you feel oh so amazing...Mine is peace and alone time in the morning to fill up my spirit with Love, and than off to my Home gym which makes my body feel amazing and keeps me in shape and than Beachbody business which I love to inspire myself and the world for great healthy fit lifestyles..So how could I be sad and than my amazing friends, and Family Blessed I am...Blessings and Love to all of you....
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Live as it could be your last day

Good Morning Beautiful Friends,
On my myspace profile it says IF I COULD DREAM in the background so it reminds me to dream and stay focused daily on what I dream about and how the dreams seem so real and magical and how life can be that way as well..its all in our mind, and attitude how we choose to dream,  live and be...

I have shared my life, and story with all of you the good the bad and the ugly in hopes that maybe by what I share I can help someone out there to see things, and life in a whole neither way...I don't always spell things correctly, and sometimes my mind goes before my words or the other way around but that just proves that I'm human just like you, and as long as we live we will make mistakes and will not always be perfect and Yes its OK to write outside the lines..that's all great therapy..

I'm learning everyday being a beachbody coach sharing weight loss videos and sharing my breast cancer story that I'm so human, and nothing can stop me from doing my best in assisting growth and love to as many people as I can thanks to the Internet I can share right from my home and than blast it out to the world to see, and my prayer is that people can learn that no matter what is going on in your life don't forget to Dream and Dream big and create a magical life for yourself... even if cancer was not in the Dream you dreamt....make the best of what you have and the time you get to live..I was feeling sorry for myself having to do radiation treatments daily and having to walk into the cancer center daily and now I'm on my third treatment today and 30 to go and Ive decided to train my mind that its my tanning appointment and I walk in there and Light up the place with my High energy and smile...

Now I just no I must show my Boob everyday to two men therapists...LOL.. that get to see me everyday and lay me down and prepare me for my radiation, and then I'm off pretending I had a great tanning appointment and off doing what I do not allowing this to effect my spirit actually I have been taking that quiet time to Pray so that part is a blessing for me..

So I guess what I'm saying to all of you no matter what happens to you still Dream and create the best most positive life for yourself..I'm working out 5 days a week focusing on our ABS this month and at the end of the month we are all sharing pictures and going to tan daily and creating and transforming a beautiful magical life daily...I so believe in MIND OVER MATTER" and I intend to keep bringing it with me through it all and showing all of you the power of positive living is the only way to live the most vital great healthy life that you can live....LIVE AS IT COULD BE YOUR LAST DAY AND LOVE LIKE YOU WILL NEVER LOVE AGAIN....Blessings
Peace and Love Always, Ursula

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Good Morning Beautiful Friends,
I'm working on " MIND OVER MATTER" Training myself and the world that its that simple what you think about is what you attract more of... you have the ability that no matter what your going through in life to allow you to be stronger more positive and better because of it, or the opposite which is always the way you do not want to choose..everyone goes through things in there life and the more you learn to handle whatever comes your way in a happy positive attitude the more you learn to live life to its fullest to its greatest potential the way that God intended us to live in his arms of peace anytime I start feeling bad or poor me I remember...God has a plan and is holding me in his arms calming me down telling me all will be fine....

Learn to be still and listen to the soft voice inside yourself a guide to true peace, true Love the kind that's everlasting and holy that never lets you down always filling you up never tearing you down that's the Peace that surpasses all human understanding, and that is why I live a life I love never ever feeling sorry for myself only always being grateful for every single day I get to breath and Live...What a gift we get to have every single day....Please do not waste one more single day feeling sorry for yourself or feeling like every ones life is better than yours...You get one life and you get to choose how you will live it and what kind of attitude you will have and share....

I wasted to many years negative and I learned that It was a waste of energy, and misery loves company so I will not waste one more single day like that I surround myself with like minded people and always choose to see the bright side of life even now doing radiation cannot bring me down I'm following the same schedule up early inspiring the world and myself and working out just like I always will, and then doing the tanning appointment every afternoon as I have told my mind...
Believe and you shall receive... ask and it shall be and pray and make everyday a better brighter day because your here and Alive...Remember there is always someone out there with less than you have struggling more and if there Happy, which I have met some pretty amazing people like this lately....Than who are you to Complain....Live it up live life to the fullest and Celebrate a brighter happier healthier Day daily...
peace and Love Always, Ursula

Monday, August 1, 2011

Challenge Yourself more than you ever thought you could

Good Morning Beautiful Friends,
I want to challenge myself, and All of you this month to focus on YOU... more than you ever have or ever thought you could..After all it starts with you and how you feel, and Look is how you present yourself in your life and in the world the more you take great care of yourself... Healthy foods, workouts the more you become present to yourself, and the world. You begin a better quality life and began to feel more confident and sexy and your whole outlook of things in general and your attitude begin to change, it all works together...

So many people say well I'm fine without exercising, and eating healthy.. as my husband would say"
 I'M in excellent physical condition" those are his favorite words, when I ask him to exercise with me he thinks hes fine, because he has a high metabolism naturally, but is he really fine inside..who knows...For me I have to work hard to keep my weight off, after I had my kids is when it started and will continue to be a battle that I choose to win each and everyday...So for me its a no brain er I must make healthy lifestyle changes daily in order to have the greatest quality of life..Now will I ever be a size two probably not, but can I enhance what I already have keep the good quality curves, and tighten up YES so for me that's the most important not to look like a stick but to keep my abs in shape and tight, and enhance the great qualities of my body...

This is what has been the greatest thing for me being a beachbody coach you get to start as a coach at any weight and have a team that keeps you motivated and accountable each and everyday..This is why I have lost weight, because each and everyday I know my team is here on Facebook.. Cheering me on and I do the same for them before pictures, and progress pictures its so much fun you forget about the hard work it takes to get there because the DVDs are the best you workout in a class daily choosing which ones work for your personality, and its right in your Home, and you create a time that works best in your schedule..For me its first thing in the morning.. while My kids sleep that's the best feeling in the world and your endorphins kick in which is and natural happy drug and it sets the mood for the whole day to be amazing...the same feeling you get after sex..Oh and SHAKEOLOGY gives you the energy to keep going as well..

So today, and the rest of the month I want to encourage you if you do not have anyone to be accountable too... I want to invite you to contact me right away and lets get in shape together, its a new month and a new You is waiting to be revealed...join me for a greater younger healthier You Daily
Peace and Love Always, Ursula